Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The City

The City Cast
Ok, lets talk The City.

So far I'm enjoying watching Whitney's life play out on television. I've always enjoyed her on The Hills- it seemed as though she was one of the most intelligent, and fairly well spoken girls on the show. I suppose, now that we have further insight into her life, we might be proven wrong. 
Let's discuss the cast:

Erin: Seems like a cool, genuine chick. Whitney's Lo. Keeps it real. There to give Whit advice. Isn't intimidated by her, or "seemingly" out to become famous (although an inside source tells me that Erin used to work for MTV and aspired to be a VJ)

Olivia: Seriously? What a bitch. There was truly no one on The Hills that remotely compared to Olivia (except for Spencer. And he plays a role- i think this is really who she is).  It is very interesting that a New York Socialite (or "social" as she calls herself) would belittle herself enough to be on a reality television show on MTV. I think she is going to be a piece of work. I've got my eye on her.

Jay: Um, MTV, you mean Justin Bobby 2.0- am i wrong? This kid is the Australian version of JB. He looks like him, he acts like him. Seriously Whitney, you saw what Audrina went through with JB (and even felt inclined to comment from time to time)- Don't be a fool with this guy. My ultimate hope is that Jay and Olivia have a fight with one another at some point in the season, since they are both pitting Whitney against the other and their crew.

Nevan: His name is Nevan. That's a made up name. That's all I'm going to say.

The Staff of DVF: They seem lovely

Alex: Seems like he could be a desperate liar. Or a really good guy. So far, it's hard to say. One thing is for sure, he is a nervous mess! He needs to get that under control, and then we'll talk.

I'm curious to see what will happen when we are introduced to Jay's roommate and his girlfriend. They seem like a good amount of drama. 
Next Monday awaits us.

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