Wednesday, January 21, 2009

2009 So Far is Fine!

First a Black President and now this!

Disney has announced that in 2009 it will introduce it's first black Princess!! Hooray! The movie is intitled The Frog Princess and will be based around a girl named Maddy ( I was hoping her name would be Malika) who lives in the French Quarter of New Orleans (why's it gotta be New Orleans?? Black people live in Arizona too! Just like during the inaguration yesterday, they kept showing Memphis and Harlem- others besides African Americans are excited about Obama being President too!)

And to make it even better, Disney is doing this one the "old fashioned way" and hand drawing everything instead of it being computer animated ( i FULLY support this! nothing is better than the old school princess movies) AND the score has been done by Randy Newman. 

Disney- you really know how to capture my heart and tug at its strings. 

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