Thursday, January 22, 2009

Homie Done Lost His Mind

Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce to you.................the KWullet

What in the WORLD is he thinking with that hair??? Uh, Kanye, Theo Huckstable circa 1989 called and he wants his 'do back. Maybe this is all a part of Kanye's scheme to have fewer fans- IT'S WORKING!!! Make a crap album and have some crap hair and I'm bound to let ya go forever.


I have been told by a fellow hip hop con connesseiur (if you will) that they are obsessed with Kanye's new album ( as you may remember I was not impressed ). Despite that, in the spirit of second chances, I am going to listen to 808s and Heartbreaks again today to see if my opinion changes. I'll start by giving you guys another video of Kanye...........but not KWullet Kanye (KWullet= Kanye West mullet), no no, this Kanye will be animated! (insert gasps from the crowd here).

That bastard won't let me embed his video so click here to check it out.

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