Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Real World!

So the first episode of Real World Brooklyn was pretty tame (er, boring) last night, but the cast is pretty interesting. MTV is trying desperately to hold onto the edginess and creativity that this show once had- going so far as to throw in a post op transgender (can you guess which one it is?) and an eigth roommate (shock and awe!). 

The show's got something for everyone- Let's review the roomates from left to right:

Tits McGee (I think her real name is Devon):  She  appeals to the African American audience (holla!) and the Mid Western beauty queens. I'm predict a love hok up between her and Hotty McBody (keep reading) and also, possibly, the part time lesbian.

The token Gay (real name- JD): The Real World wouldn't be complete this day and age without at least one gay. I want JD in my crew-in my corner. Let's be honest- I want him to be my gay husband. I love him, he's great. I dont think that he will have any hook ups in the house, but if he does, I hope it's with the Mormon (but i think it's more likely it will be with Caitlynn).

The Part Time Lesbian (real name- Sara): Sara is in her first relationship with a man (all her others have been with women- she and JD bonded over this), but she knows that  this boyfriend is the one. I have no idea what that means. She aparantly gets in a big fight with Army boy (who she made great friends with in this episode).

The Token Tranny (did you guess right? Real name- Caitlynn): Caitlynn is, according to the after show (yes I watched the Real World aftershow, and no, I didn't have anything better to do with my time) was three weeks post op (aka she had her adams apple removed, and some other things moved around so that they more so resembled a va jay jay and less a tallewhacker) when she moved into the Real World house. I can't even imagine the complexities of the surgery or even of the situation, but I think it's very brave of her to share her story on television. I think transgenderednessity (yeah i made that word up) is a hard thing for many people to understand (including me) so maybe her presence on the show will shed some light.

Hotty McBody/ Smoking Abs (real name: Scott): Appeals to the meatheads of our society, and those who spend far too much time eating protein and doing crunches. Does anyone seem to think that people named Scott are almost always way too involved in the way they look? I predict hookups between Scott and Devon, and probably Scott and Bambi (not her real name). Scott seems like a nice guy. I wouldn't say no. ;)

Bambi/ The Token Non-Mormon (real name Baya- by the way, that's a made up name): Baya is from Salt Lake City and no she's not a Mormon so don't ask her again! Baya is down with the kids- a real laid back chick who just wants to dance! I predict hookups with (in addition to Meathead) Army boy.

The Token Mormon (real name Chet- which is a stupid name, unless it's a nickname): Chet is also from Salt Lake City and he IS a Mormon, so suck on it! He's never drank, never had sex, and has never seen boobs like Devons.

Army guy (real name: Ryan)- Ryan served 3 1/2 years in the military, one of which was in Iraq. He seems pretty chill and together, but I think that deep down he's got some psychosis (which was evidenced by his heavy drinking in last nights episode and the preview of a big fight coming later in the season). How could he not really- he has every right to have mind troubles, but maybe national television isn't the best place to air them? So far I really like the guy. I predict a serious Bromance with the The Mormon, and even though he has a girlfriend, I'm thinking he's gonna try and get all over Devon's tatas and Bambis fluffy tail.

The Real World Brooklyn is on Wednesday nights, sometime between the hours of 7 and sleep.

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