Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rosie Thomas

Have I been hiding under a rock or do other people not know about Rosie Thomas? She was brought to me by iTunes Genius (the first thing they've suggested that I've actually been interested in), but I really like her. The album below is here earliest release( i believe) from 2002 and I download "Wedding Day" and "Have You Seen My Love". Check her out and let me know what you think!

When We Were Small


Anonymous said...

Yes, you've been hiding under a rock. Clearly you haven't read "Favorite Music" under my profile, because had would have found the name "Rosie Thomas" listed there... where it has been for atleast 2.5 years. Miss ya, Lela... and hope to see you soon!

Lela said...

i miss you too old friend- and i will check out your "favorite music"- maybe i'll find another gem. I hear we may have a movie date next tuesday???? i'm so excited!!