Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Weekend Recap

Dear Everyone,

Let me start by apologizing for the lack of Music Monday yesterday. I was, needless to say, a bit music'd out after the weekend. I am contemplating a Music Tuesday as a make up [let me know what you think via Twitter- @YourFriendLela].

Lollapalooza was a succes to say the least. It was a busy, rainy, blisteringly hot weekend, but
damn was it FUN. I didn't get to see as much music as I had hoped, but I suppose that no one ever leaves a festival having seen everyone they wanted to.

We started the weekend with these beautiful views:

Lucky girl. I know.

Friday included a LOT of rain and not being rain ready in the slightest, but I gotta say, if I had
seen Bon Iver dry, I just don't think it would have had the same effect on me. Note to self: Always Listen to Bon Iver wet. Ben Folds and Kings of Leon were Friday afternoon and night respectively. Both put on amazing shows and the crowd for KOL was just completely stupid. For my Trashy TV Readers, there was an Ed Westwick and Jessica Szohr sighting at KOL. Who? Chuck Bass and Vanessa from Gossip Girl. Now you're with me. From what I hear, they're big KOL fans and looked like they were having a pretty good time [We all were. That was a damn good show.] Later in the night Friday, we had a Lindsay Lohan. Yes, THE Lilo. I always thought she was a mystical creature, like the unicorn, but it turns out she does exist [but just barely]. We didn't realize that she was standing right next to us until she started walking away and Alex said "That girl needs to eat something." And she was right. I know Samantha Ronson was DJing an after party in Chicago- wonder if Lindsay was just stalking or if they're back together? UPDATE: Turns out I don't really care.

Saturday morning was a bit of yummy Chicago breakfast [fyi, cold oatmeal is DELICIOUS]. Saw/heard some Miike Snow, Atmosphere and Santigold. I missed out on the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, but filled my disspointment with deep dish pizza and red wine [yes, I drink red wine now. I'm trying to be classy. ;)]. All this was followed by an amazing DJ set from the boys of Manchester Orchestra and lots more fun.

I like to think that I saw my future on Saturday and it looked a little something like this:

There were so many freaking little kids that were so much cooler than me! There was one baby in a stoller [IN A STROLLER] with a mohawk that was blue. Blue! I had to look away, I couldn't even handle his cool factor.

Sunday led us to seeing/hearing a bit of Kaiser Chiefs, The Airborne Toxic Event [who i loved], Ke$ha, Cold War Kids [L.O.V.E], Snoop Dogg, and a bit of Band of Horses [wish I could've heard more. They're so great]. Before Ke$ha's set, her DJ was warming the crowd up with some cool jams. Everyone was having a great time and then this guy showed up next to us and he was BRINGING THE MOVES. Seriously. So I decided he deserved a spot on the blog.

and THEN, this guy showed up. And he was ALSO bringing the moves. I was kind of hoping they would have a dance off and things would get super real, but it never happened.

but thats ok. You guys can now enjoy them and they are having 35 seconds of fame on my blog. We all win.

Sunday night was an another amazing dinner at Hub 51 and some after shows with Ra Ra Riot, Chairlift and Ke$ha. Then I lost my wallet in a cab. Three hours before my flight. Then a good Samaritan called my hotel and said they had a wallet [really? who DOES that? can everyone please send this person good karma on my behalf??]. Then we missed our flight anyway. Then we made it home. And then we were exhausted. I guess its good to know that my body can handle being up for 36 hours straight, but I'm not sure that I want to do it again anytime soon.

Sorry the liveblogging didn't work out, but I hope this weekend review slightly makes up for it!

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