Friday, August 14, 2009

This Is The Worst. Week. Ever.

First we heard that Brooks and Dunn were breaking up. Then Kourtney Kardashian got knocked up [how will she ever party again? what am i supposed to watch on television?], and NOW Reno 911 has been cancelled???

How can this be? Reno 911 could be one of the most hilarious shows on television, and definitely the best non-talk show style production that Comedy Central had on the airwaves. Oh, and if you haven't seen it, rent Reno 911: Miami. That. Movie. Is. Hilarious. I rarely to never [usually never] watch the same movie over and over again, but that one made me laugh so hard, I watched in twice in the same week. Here's hoping that they make another movie after the show goes off the air. Hell, let's dream big- 5 more movies! It can be the new Police Academy.

In memorium, one of my favorite scenes from the movie. Just for you.

UPDATE: yeah, i didn't rewatch that clip and it had boobies in it. Not very family friendly. On the other hand, how many 6 years olds are reading my blog?

I've replaced it with a TV clip- kinda fuzzy, but the hilarity remains.

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