Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Trashy TV: Monday- Friday

Ok, this recap is LONG overdue, and I do apologize, but we are FINALLY discussing last weeks episode of Project Runway.

I gotta say, I am kind of impressed with Lifetime. I like that, despite the fact they have moved cities and networks, the overall look of the show has remained the same. I was kind of super worried that it would turn into a Lifetime movie or something. Which wasn't totally inaccurate because one of the designers, a real tough looking guy, definitely cried in the first episode because he didn't like the sketches that he drew. Um..........right. Somehow, being on Project Runway was much harder than the process of getting of drugs. Then Tim Gunn had to akwardly console him, and frankly, akward barely even describes it.

So. The designers. I gotta say, this week, there was no outfit and no designer that really stood out to me as a frontrunner. Granted, it's only the first episode, but sometimes you really can tell who is going to excel based on the first challenge- i just didn't see it here. I did, however, see some crazies who "hopefully" will not make it far in the challenge. Then again, the beauty [and annoyance] of Project Runway is that sometimes the judges keep the crazies around because they think that in the end they'll turn their craziness into genius- and in order to keep the ratings up. Whatever, whatever. I get it, you've got a business to run.

Here were my thoughts:

Christopher- the unschooled, self taught designer who didn't know what smocking was. I laughed at him the entire episode. I thought, there's no way this cat isn't going home tonight. That is, until he won the challenge. How is it possible that his dress was above and beyond better than the other contestants? He looks like a scrub that they picked up off the street! Me thinks this underdog might be one to watch.

Johnny- Mr. Tear in My Beer himself made it into the Top 3. Interesting. I HATED his dress. I see where he was going with it, and I liked the concept, but I didn't feel like it was executed AT ALL. Not really sure what the judges were thinking here.

Louise- She is going to annoy me. I can already tell. Just looking at her FACE annoys me. I dunno why I'm so bitter about her, but as of now, I'm not a super fan. However, I did like her dress. It was also not executed as well as it should have been [which wasn't totally her fault- the dress was supposed to be two toned but the fabric colors blended under the lights], but I liked the shape and design of it. No strong feelings either way about her as a designer [but as a PERSON, I'm annoyed].

Irina- I LOVED Irinas dress. I thought it was really pretty and......something I've seen before? Monique Lhuillier anyone? The dress was pretty, but not completely original, and far more bridal than red carpet. No strong feelings either way about her......yet.

Ari- Oh, I'm sorry, did you mean SAMANTHA RONSON??? Did it freak anyone else out how much Ari looked just like SamRo? And how ironic that she was the one designer that Lindsay Lohan was pretty snippy towards AND the designer who got sent home? Homegurl deserved the boot too. Her outfit was just ri-dic-u-lous. Its times like this that PR reminds me of American Idol- how do these awful peeps even make it on the show? Good riddance, Ari. I'm glad I don't have to deal with your brand of BS the entire season.

Nicholas- Barely even remember him. That can be a good or bad thing. Sometimes the people who fly the lowest on the radar make it the farthest. But, on the other hand, if you're not standing out in any way at all, that isn't really good either. His dress was weird though. Not sure what kind of vibe I'm getting from this cat.

Mitchell- Oh, the skinny more attractive version of Perez Hilton? Not sure how I'm vibing on this kid. Yes, the dress he made originally was way to Victorian, but I think it was FIXABLE, but instead, he totally copped out and threw a sheet on his model. If a designer doesn't believe in their designs enough to send them down a runway and be able to defend them, how is a customer ever supposed to trust that their clothes are wearable? I think Mitchell lucked out on the fact that Ari's costume was beyond terrible- he barely skimmed through. He better step up his game next week.

Shirin- Meh. That's all I've got for her.

Gordana- First of all, that's a stupid name. Her dress was kind of pretty though. I don't know that it was red carpet worthy, but it was a nice concept.

Carol Hannah- This girl seems D-U-M-M, dumb! I can already tell that she is not going to represent the South well. Her dress was interesting though. I liked it.

Ra'mon- I feel like this feeler is going to really get on my nerves but I LOVED. HIS. DRESS. Sooooo pretty. I think this definitely should've been a contender for Winning, but oh well. Loved it. Can't wait to see more.

Logan- Shooo, Logan is kind of cute! His dress, on the other hand, was ho-hum. It felt like a Jessica McClintock dress to me. Nothing wrong with a JM dress, but this is Project Runway- step up your game.

Malvin- I. CANNOT. STAND. HIM. Hate him, hate him, want him gone. Hated his dress, hated his attitude, hated his hair, hated his name. Hate him. Shoo. Get.

Qristyl- She made up the spelling of her name for the show right? She doesn't really spell it that way, right?? I liked her though. She's spunky. Her dress was not. She needs to work on her craft a bit. But, I hope she stays for a spell.

Epperson Marley- Homie is OLD. I like that though. It adds some character to the cast. Also, his dress was very interesting. I hope he sticks around too.

Althea- I like Althea. I'm not sure why yet. There wasn't anything super special about her or her dress, but I'm intrigued by her. I've got my eye on you.....

And there you have it! I will try desperately to put next week's recap up much sooner. Happy watching!

1 comment:

Melinda said...

The crying dude - seriously!? Very awkward!
Ari/Sam Ronson - I kept saying that the whole episode! She was beyond crazy!
Is Malvin the Asian guy? Full of himself? Yeah I'm over him already too!
I'm excited for it to continue!

Did you happen to catch the AllStar Challenge? There was some craziness going on there fo sho! Koto, Daniel V, Santino, Sweet Pea, and others - it was fab!