Thursday, August 20, 2009

Trashy TV: Monday- Friday

Ok, I admit, I've fallen off a bit with the trashy tv recaps, especially for The Real World: Cancun, but I made a valiant effort last night to watch not only this weeks new episode, but last weeks rerun [there's still an ep missing- what are you gonna do?].

So, let me give you the rundown....

So sweet little Joey got kicked off the show. Boooooooooooooo. I know, I know. That kid definitely brought the laughs and was one of the few people in the house to consistantly stand up to Ayiiiah [Gah, I hate that bitch]. Evidently, your pal and mine, CJ the goon set the alarm for the wrong time, Joey was late for work, and StudentCity is a two strikes you're out kind of company. So Joey is back to the real world [no pun intended, but ha! words are funny] to be in his band. Um, yeah. Late Nite Wars. They're terrible. But check them out if you like.

So then homegurl Jasmine went CRAZY BITCH when the guy she was crushing on, Pat, didn't want to screw a crazy girl [her] and instead went after her flirty roommate Jonne [who HAS a boyfriend by the way- dont get me started]. Jasmine, like many people I know [not me] drinks her emotions and when she started getting crazy she would just drink more which OF COURSE helped the crazy factor [NOT]. Then she got in a fight with Emily. Then she let all the roommates be late for work. Then everyone hated Jasmine.

Lets see, then boring, boring, boring.......Then Jasmine hooked up with some gay guy [spoiler alert: he doesnt know hes gay yet] in order to make Pat jealous, but Pat didn't care because he was spending the night with Jonne the whore. Dun Dun Dunnnnnnn. Then Jonne breaks up with her boyfriend and me thinks he is not going to handle this well.

Then Bronne, who I find to be hilarious [and it confuses me that I kind of want to be his friend] got HAMMERED and threw a fire extinguisher off the hotel balcony into the pool. ????????. I don't care what level of drunk you are, does that EVER really seem like a good idea? Evidently yes. But instead of getting kicked off the show, Bronne was only kicked out of the hotel. He had to go live at the Student City housing with all of the other peasants and had to sleep in a hammock his first night there because he got locked out of his room. Wah waaaaaah. What a life.

The rest of the show was really pretty boring and uneventful. Next week is when Matt, Jonne's ex, goes crazy, so tune in for that!

More trashy recaps to come [expect a Project Runway one tomorrow].

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