Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Good Call Georgia

So evidently, in the city of Marietta, Georgia, there is a local problem plaguing the city parks- gay sex. Gasp! How dare they? Sex in a park? Who would want to do that?

Anyway, the locals are trying to figure out a way to solve the problem. I get it, I get it, three years old is a bit young to be learning about the perils of butt sex. But one local newspaper columnist has come up with a solution: train the dogs at the park to attack the gays. Brilliant! Now instead of your children seeing a little skin, they'll see the local minority get mauled to death by a German Shepard. There seems to be a lesser of two evils here.

This is my suggestion- stop making the parks so sexy. Who DOESN'T want to do illicit things in a park? I mean, there are swings there! I personally love swings. The grass is usually really soft, you've got a nice surrounding of flowers- I mean, it really goes hand in hand doesn't it? So there- that's my solution. Make the parks less sexy and the sex will stop.

Now, onto the other problems of the world....

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