Tuesday, August 11, 2009

On The Real...

You know I love some slang. I love learning new slang. And I love sharing slang [espeically with Brasilians]. TrendCentral sent out some new slangies that are a bit new to me, and I thought I'd share [thanks merejo].

Real Talk
n. This phrase is used to highlight that whatever is being said is the actual truth and not the rose-colored variety. One of the most famous users of this expression is vlogger Mr. Chi-City, who tends to drop the phrase every few seconds.
"Real talk, I was so hungover, I slept next to the toilet, real talk."

Social Notworking
v. Checking your social networking pages while on the job.
"I got caught Facebook stalking by my boss today. I hope he doesn't get mad I was social notworking."

n. A person who dresses like a hybrid of a gypsy and a hipster.
"There were hoards of gypsters at that
Fleet Foxes concert afterparty in Echo Park last night."

n. A tunic or shirt that is scandalously worn as a dress; the term has come into use because of the trend of girls leaving the house without a vital component - their pants. (And we're not talking about mistaking leggings for pants; we mean the bare-legged girls that seem to be just wearing an oversized men's shirt.)
"Can you believe she wore a shress to school? She looked like she just came from a slumber party."

n. A word used to describe just how epic (i.e. awesome) something is.
"Did you see Tony jump out of the tree into the swimming pool? It was totally stupid but I gotta say the epicocity level was 10."

abbr. This strictly means "down to" and originated in the land of texting. Like other phrases that begin at the thumbs of teenage girls, DT has migrated into actual verbal conversations.
"Do you want to go shopping tomorrow?" "DTGS"

n. A term used to describe a member of the opposite sex.
"See them berries sipping on martinis? They look ripe for a picking."

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