Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Trashy TV: Monday- Friday

It's no secret to the readers of this blog that I LOVE Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Does it make sense? No, of course not. But I do. And I frequently wish that I was a member of their family [which makes even less sense].

Kourtney and Khloe [my two fave Kardashians] have a new show, Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami. The debut was on Sunday, but I just got around to watching it last night.

I gotta say, I wasn't super duper into it. I"m sure its going to be a great show, and I know that I'll watch it, but I dunno, I lost interest pretty easily. Basically, the girls are in Miami and Kim [their bootylicious sister] comes down for the opening. Kim and Khloe get into a fight [what else is new?] about who is whoring themselves out more for the business, and who does more work, and who has less cellulite and who looks more like a man. Etc, etc, blah blah blah. That goes on for awhile.

Then we learn that Khloe has a late night radio show- FUN! I want a radio show. Doesn't that seem like the most fun job in the world? Getting paid to talk and play the music that you love? Done and done playa! Her co host is named Terrance, an adorable little black boy who she ends up kissing after a night partying. I don't blame her. Homeboy is a-dor-a-ble.

Then, Kim throws a hissy fit and decides to leave. She doesn't want to steal anybody's thunder [oh please] and blah blah blah. But then, in a sudden twist of events, D-A-S-H Miami is vandalized! Gasp! And so the three sisters must come back together like the Holy Trinity and solve all of DASH's problems like the blessed team that they are.

They have a store opening party and then an actual store opening and all. is. well. Until next week, when, assuredly, Kim and Khloe will get into another fight. Nevertheless, I watch. I watch and I report. I'll let you know when things get good.

In other news, the new season of Project Runway debuts tomorrow night- on Lifetime. Don't forget it! Set your DVRs, your VCRs, whatever, whatever, just!

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