Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Judgemental Judy

You guys remember The New York Times? That really amazing newspaper that comes out of "The City" that has politically charged articles, pieces on the cutting edge of art, and enlightening editorials?

Yeah, well sometimes its filled with shit too.

Under the column aptly named "Critical Shopper", Cintra Wilson recently went on a rant against JCPenney and how middle America is invading its way into Manhattan. Without going in depth about the article, my favorite paragraph has got to be this one:

"The petites section features a bounty of items for women nearly as wide as they are tall; the men’s Big & Tall section has shirts that could house two or three Shaquilles. And this is really, remarkably smart.

This niche has been almost wholly neglected on our snobby, self-obsessed little island. New York boutiques tend to cater to the stress-thin, morbidly workaholic, Pilates-tortured Manhattan ectomorph. But there are many more body types who vote with their hard-earned dollars, who appreciate a clean new space in Midtown to buy affordable clothes in hard-to-find sizes, as well as attentive service from attitude-free professionals. Since Penney’s remains so doggedly unchanged, it seems to be a familiar place for tourists on a budget; they feel comfortable buying at Penney’s, and these clothes still feel special, because they were bought in New York City."

Bitch. [Check out the full article here].

But all of this really begs a bigger question: Why as a society are we so judgemental? You can try your best to convince me that you aren't judgemental, but I'm not going to believe you. Do you know why? Because I say the same thing about myself, but its a LIE.

Why do we constantly feel the need to put others down for their choice of dress, transportation, lifestyle, etc? We judge people based on their religion, food choices, level of income......and its disgusting. Why should we care if a guy who is a few pounds overweight is wearing skinny jeans? Or if that girl is far too pretty to be with that guy? Or if someones clothes are hand me downs as opposed to brand new?

The fact that there are people in this world who would base their opinion of me on the fact that my sandals came from Target instead of Dior is slightly crushing to the ego, but the fact is that judgement is in our core. But does it have to be?

So, the next time that you see something that you don't like about another person and feel inclined to laugh with a friend over it , think about what they might be laughing at you about. You might just rethink your judgement.

You only get what you give away- so give love.

Love Always,

Your Friend Lela

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