Friday, August 28, 2009

Trashy TV: Monday- Friday

Lots of Trashy TV to Cover. Let's start with Project Runway.

Last night on PR was kind of like a girls night- no Michael Kors in sight. Instead, Monique Lhuillier was there in his place and the guest judge was a pregnant Rebecca Romijn. A pregnancy challenge- yippee! I liked the idea of making the designers do maternity [can't remember if that has ever happened in the past], but it really put in perspective how long Season 6 of PR was in limbo b/c Rebecca wasn't super duper far along, and she had them twin bebes a while ago!

Let's start with the winner of this challenge, Shirin Askari.

First of all, I must say, I think Shirin is starting to be a favorite of mine. She is soooo pretty [reminds me a bit of Sara Bareilles- anyone else?] and I think she's very talented. I thought it was VERY risky of her to do a coat in addition to her beautiful dress- I was afraid she'd run out of time! Nevermind that the coat was LINED and her dress draped beautifully. She seemed to complete her entire outfit effortlessly and without drama. This girl absolutely deserved to win, and if I were preggers, I would DEFINITELY wear this outfit.

Ra'mon-Lawrence Coleman [pronounced Ray-mone]

Uh, nephew- No. The fact that sweet little Mitchell even told Ra'mon that this dress looked like a bowling bag and he did nothing to change it speaks volumes to me. I mean, I see what he was trying to do [kind of...]. It just definitely didn't work out for him this week.

Mitchell Hall

Oh, Mitchell, Mitchell, Mitchell. Being in the bottom two, two weeks in a row does not bode well for you my friend. You DEFINITELY gotta step up your game. Again, I SEE what he was going for here, and if the shorts had turned out better, I think it would've actually been a cute outfit. But somewhere along the line in the episode someone said that Mitchell had experience in maternity wear. ?????. Really? I couldn't tell. Also, homeboy definitely needs to learn to sew. In the preview for next week they show Heidi telling someone "You have to actually sew on Project Runway", and I can't help but feel that she had to be talking to Mitchell. Right now my money is on Mitchell going home next week.

Louise Black

Just as I suspected, Louise gets on my nerves. I dunno why exactly, but I find her to be as grating as nails on a chalkboard. Her dress was........something. The judges didn't hate it, but they also didn't seem to love it. I felt the same. It was cute, but I'm just not positive it was appropriate for a pregnant woman to wear [unless, of course, she was going to a Flapper themed Halloween party? What do you think the market is for that?]. I do think that Louise is probably a really great designer and that we will see great things from her in upcoming episodes, I just wasn't overly joyed by this piece.

Althea Harper

I like Althea, and I liked this dress. I think it was good for the challenge because the odds of Rebecca Romijn having to walk a red carpet or attend an event while pregnant are very HIGH, and she could definitely wear this. On the plus side, the bottom of the dress was made of jersey knit so it would be very comfortable, but you couldn't tell when it was coming down the runway. Two thumbs up. Monique Lhuillier suggested the cups should be a bit bigger and a bit more, ahmm, "covering", because pregnant ladies do not have small teetees like a size zero models.

Malvin Vien

Oh Malvin. Malvin, Malvin, Malvin. You're the worst. No, I mean that, I really do. THE. WORST. Good riddance. "I guess I'm just too conceptual for America". No, Malvin. You're just a terrible designer. You design shit that no one would ever wear. I'm glad you're gone.

My, that was quite the rant. Can you guess my feelings for dear old Malvin?

So, those were my thoughts on this weeks episode. Stay tuned for your Real Housewives of ATL recap. :)

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