Friday, August 14, 2009

In Other Trashy TV News....

According to Gawker, there may very well be an upcoming edition of The Real Housewives for the Gays! Gay housewives! I looooooooooooves it.

There was a casting email of sorts that went out stating:

"I'm looking for the hottest young, fabulous gay men NYC has to offer for an upcoming docu-series. These boys need to be living the good life, keeping up with all the hottest shopping, restaurants, and clubs, and preferably have lots of drama keeping them busy at all hours of the day…and night. I'd love for them to be in a relationship, and we're looking for diversity in those relationships – especially younger/older dynamics.

Do any of your friends fit this bill? We all know SOMEONE who needs to have their own TV show, right?"

Count this girl in- I'll watch it!

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