Monday, August 24, 2009

Megan Wants A Convict

Have you guys heard about all of this drama surrounding the show Megan Wants A Millionaire? Let me give you a little background...

So there was this tranny, tranny mess on Rock of Love 2 [I think it was 2] named Megan. Wonder of wonders, Brett Michaels didn't pick her.......she cried. Then, she was on another classy Vh1 show called I Love Money. She also did not win on this show. THEN, in all her tranniness, she went on the show Charm School with Sharon Osbourne to, I dunno, "clean up her act"?? It seems as though that didn't work because on the reunion show she definitely got in a fist fight with Sharon Osbourne.

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Yes, folks, that is a real tv show. Sigh.

Anyway, the geniuses at Vh1 decided to give this trick her own reality show called Megan Wants a Millionaire (classy), where guys basically compete to see who can buy her the most expensive gift. Yawn.

So, all that to say, one of the guys that was a contestant on the show {SPOILER ALERT} and didn't win, went off to Vegas and two days later married some chick that he had met. THEN, last week, his wife was found in a dumpster, STUFFED IN A SUITCASE , with her fingers chopped off and her teeth missing . They had to identify her body by the serial numbers on her breast implants. Now that is some CSI shit!!!

So this joker was initially listed as a "person of interest" and then there was an actual warrant out for his arrest, but then, A TWIST, turns out he's from Canada and fled for America's Hat because he has a few brain cells and knows that Canada won't extradite him. But now, our dramatic story has come to a close since the Canadian police found him dead in his hotel room. Suicide. What a shame.

There are a few lessons for us all to learn here:

1) Don't marry a person after two days. Even if they are a millionaire.

2) Vh1- you should probably do a better background check on these losers before you put them on television and elevate their egos to an astronomical level.

3) Vh1- You should just completely STOP IT with these ridiculous dating shows. Flavor of Love Season 1 was good. Rock of Love Season 1 was good. Now it's over. Done. Played out. Remember The World Series of Pop Culture? Maybe you could bring that back instead. Behind the music? Pop Up Video? Yeah. Any of those are a far better alternative. Down with the shit before others get hurt!

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