Friday, August 28, 2009

Yes, Yes, and Yes

Girls, this is for you.

Trashy TV: Monday- Friday

Lots of Trashy TV to Cover. Let's start with Project Runway.

Last night on PR was kind of like a girls night- no Michael Kors in sight. Instead, Monique Lhuillier was there in his place and the guest judge was a pregnant Rebecca Romijn. A pregnancy challenge- yippee! I liked the idea of making the designers do maternity [can't remember if that has ever happened in the past], but it really put in perspective how long Season 6 of PR was in limbo b/c Rebecca wasn't super duper far along, and she had them twin bebes a while ago!

Let's start with the winner of this challenge, Shirin Askari.

First of all, I must say, I think Shirin is starting to be a favorite of mine. She is soooo pretty [reminds me a bit of Sara Bareilles- anyone else?] and I think she's very talented. I thought it was VERY risky of her to do a coat in addition to her beautiful dress- I was afraid she'd run out of time! Nevermind that the coat was LINED and her dress draped beautifully. She seemed to complete her entire outfit effortlessly and without drama. This girl absolutely deserved to win, and if I were preggers, I would DEFINITELY wear this outfit.

Ra'mon-Lawrence Coleman [pronounced Ray-mone]

Uh, nephew- No. The fact that sweet little Mitchell even told Ra'mon that this dress looked like a bowling bag and he did nothing to change it speaks volumes to me. I mean, I see what he was trying to do [kind of...]. It just definitely didn't work out for him this week.

Mitchell Hall

Oh, Mitchell, Mitchell, Mitchell. Being in the bottom two, two weeks in a row does not bode well for you my friend. You DEFINITELY gotta step up your game. Again, I SEE what he was going for here, and if the shorts had turned out better, I think it would've actually been a cute outfit. But somewhere along the line in the episode someone said that Mitchell had experience in maternity wear. ?????. Really? I couldn't tell. Also, homeboy definitely needs to learn to sew. In the preview for next week they show Heidi telling someone "You have to actually sew on Project Runway", and I can't help but feel that she had to be talking to Mitchell. Right now my money is on Mitchell going home next week.

Louise Black

Just as I suspected, Louise gets on my nerves. I dunno why exactly, but I find her to be as grating as nails on a chalkboard. Her dress was........something. The judges didn't hate it, but they also didn't seem to love it. I felt the same. It was cute, but I'm just not positive it was appropriate for a pregnant woman to wear [unless, of course, she was going to a Flapper themed Halloween party? What do you think the market is for that?]. I do think that Louise is probably a really great designer and that we will see great things from her in upcoming episodes, I just wasn't overly joyed by this piece.

Althea Harper

I like Althea, and I liked this dress. I think it was good for the challenge because the odds of Rebecca Romijn having to walk a red carpet or attend an event while pregnant are very HIGH, and she could definitely wear this. On the plus side, the bottom of the dress was made of jersey knit so it would be very comfortable, but you couldn't tell when it was coming down the runway. Two thumbs up. Monique Lhuillier suggested the cups should be a bit bigger and a bit more, ahmm, "covering", because pregnant ladies do not have small teetees like a size zero models.

Malvin Vien

Oh Malvin. Malvin, Malvin, Malvin. You're the worst. No, I mean that, I really do. THE. WORST. Good riddance. "I guess I'm just too conceptual for America". No, Malvin. You're just a terrible designer. You design shit that no one would ever wear. I'm glad you're gone.

My, that was quite the rant. Can you guess my feelings for dear old Malvin?

So, those were my thoughts on this weeks episode. Stay tuned for your Real Housewives of ATL recap. :)

Shuffle Fun

There's lots of iTunes shuffle fun going on via Twitter.

Follow Me! @YourFriendLela

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Don't Care What Anyone Says...

I love that Russell Brand. I think he's hilarious and, upsettingly, I find him to be very attractive.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Trashy TV: Monday- Friday

Ok, this recap is LONG overdue, and I do apologize, but we are FINALLY discussing last weeks episode of Project Runway.

I gotta say, I am kind of impressed with Lifetime. I like that, despite the fact they have moved cities and networks, the overall look of the show has remained the same. I was kind of super worried that it would turn into a Lifetime movie or something. Which wasn't totally inaccurate because one of the designers, a real tough looking guy, definitely cried in the first episode because he didn't like the sketches that he drew. Um..........right. Somehow, being on Project Runway was much harder than the process of getting of drugs. Then Tim Gunn had to akwardly console him, and frankly, akward barely even describes it.

So. The designers. I gotta say, this week, there was no outfit and no designer that really stood out to me as a frontrunner. Granted, it's only the first episode, but sometimes you really can tell who is going to excel based on the first challenge- i just didn't see it here. I did, however, see some crazies who "hopefully" will not make it far in the challenge. Then again, the beauty [and annoyance] of Project Runway is that sometimes the judges keep the crazies around because they think that in the end they'll turn their craziness into genius- and in order to keep the ratings up. Whatever, whatever. I get it, you've got a business to run.

Here were my thoughts:

Christopher- the unschooled, self taught designer who didn't know what smocking was. I laughed at him the entire episode. I thought, there's no way this cat isn't going home tonight. That is, until he won the challenge. How is it possible that his dress was above and beyond better than the other contestants? He looks like a scrub that they picked up off the street! Me thinks this underdog might be one to watch.

Johnny- Mr. Tear in My Beer himself made it into the Top 3. Interesting. I HATED his dress. I see where he was going with it, and I liked the concept, but I didn't feel like it was executed AT ALL. Not really sure what the judges were thinking here.

Louise- She is going to annoy me. I can already tell. Just looking at her FACE annoys me. I dunno why I'm so bitter about her, but as of now, I'm not a super fan. However, I did like her dress. It was also not executed as well as it should have been [which wasn't totally her fault- the dress was supposed to be two toned but the fabric colors blended under the lights], but I liked the shape and design of it. No strong feelings either way about her as a designer [but as a PERSON, I'm annoyed].

Irina- I LOVED Irinas dress. I thought it was really pretty and......something I've seen before? Monique Lhuillier anyone? The dress was pretty, but not completely original, and far more bridal than red carpet. No strong feelings either way about her......yet.

Ari- Oh, I'm sorry, did you mean SAMANTHA RONSON??? Did it freak anyone else out how much Ari looked just like SamRo? And how ironic that she was the one designer that Lindsay Lohan was pretty snippy towards AND the designer who got sent home? Homegurl deserved the boot too. Her outfit was just ri-dic-u-lous. Its times like this that PR reminds me of American Idol- how do these awful peeps even make it on the show? Good riddance, Ari. I'm glad I don't have to deal with your brand of BS the entire season.

Nicholas- Barely even remember him. That can be a good or bad thing. Sometimes the people who fly the lowest on the radar make it the farthest. But, on the other hand, if you're not standing out in any way at all, that isn't really good either. His dress was weird though. Not sure what kind of vibe I'm getting from this cat.

Mitchell- Oh, the skinny more attractive version of Perez Hilton? Not sure how I'm vibing on this kid. Yes, the dress he made originally was way to Victorian, but I think it was FIXABLE, but instead, he totally copped out and threw a sheet on his model. If a designer doesn't believe in their designs enough to send them down a runway and be able to defend them, how is a customer ever supposed to trust that their clothes are wearable? I think Mitchell lucked out on the fact that Ari's costume was beyond terrible- he barely skimmed through. He better step up his game next week.

Shirin- Meh. That's all I've got for her.

Gordana- First of all, that's a stupid name. Her dress was kind of pretty though. I don't know that it was red carpet worthy, but it was a nice concept.

Carol Hannah- This girl seems D-U-M-M, dumb! I can already tell that she is not going to represent the South well. Her dress was interesting though. I liked it.

Ra'mon- I feel like this feeler is going to really get on my nerves but I LOVED. HIS. DRESS. Sooooo pretty. I think this definitely should've been a contender for Winning, but oh well. Loved it. Can't wait to see more.

Logan- Shooo, Logan is kind of cute! His dress, on the other hand, was ho-hum. It felt like a Jessica McClintock dress to me. Nothing wrong with a JM dress, but this is Project Runway- step up your game.

Malvin- I. CANNOT. STAND. HIM. Hate him, hate him, want him gone. Hated his dress, hated his attitude, hated his hair, hated his name. Hate him. Shoo. Get.

Qristyl- She made up the spelling of her name for the show right? She doesn't really spell it that way, right?? I liked her though. She's spunky. Her dress was not. She needs to work on her craft a bit. But, I hope she stays for a spell.

Epperson Marley- Homie is OLD. I like that though. It adds some character to the cast. Also, his dress was very interesting. I hope he sticks around too.

Althea- I like Althea. I'm not sure why yet. There wasn't anything super special about her or her dress, but I'm intrigued by her. I've got my eye on you.....

And there you have it! I will try desperately to put next week's recap up much sooner. Happy watching!

Is It Weird....

that this is not attractive to me?


[Photo Courtesy of PinkistheNewBlog]

Monday, August 24, 2009

Megan Wants A Convict

Have you guys heard about all of this drama surrounding the show Megan Wants A Millionaire? Let me give you a little background...

So there was this tranny, tranny mess on Rock of Love 2 [I think it was 2] named Megan. Wonder of wonders, Brett Michaels didn't pick her.......she cried. Then, she was on another classy Vh1 show called I Love Money. She also did not win on this show. THEN, in all her tranniness, she went on the show Charm School with Sharon Osbourne to, I dunno, "clean up her act"?? It seems as though that didn't work because on the reunion show she definitely got in a fist fight with Sharon Osbourne.

Watch more metacafe videos on AOL Video

Yes, folks, that is a real tv show. Sigh.

Anyway, the geniuses at Vh1 decided to give this trick her own reality show called Megan Wants a Millionaire (classy), where guys basically compete to see who can buy her the most expensive gift. Yawn.

So, all that to say, one of the guys that was a contestant on the show {SPOILER ALERT} and didn't win, went off to Vegas and two days later married some chick that he had met. THEN, last week, his wife was found in a dumpster, STUFFED IN A SUITCASE , with her fingers chopped off and her teeth missing . They had to identify her body by the serial numbers on her breast implants. Now that is some CSI shit!!!

So this joker was initially listed as a "person of interest" and then there was an actual warrant out for his arrest, but then, A TWIST, turns out he's from Canada and fled for America's Hat because he has a few brain cells and knows that Canada won't extradite him. But now, our dramatic story has come to a close since the Canadian police found him dead in his hotel room. Suicide. What a shame.

There are a few lessons for us all to learn here:

1) Don't marry a person after two days. Even if they are a millionaire.

2) Vh1- you should probably do a better background check on these losers before you put them on television and elevate their egos to an astronomical level.

3) Vh1- You should just completely STOP IT with these ridiculous dating shows. Flavor of Love Season 1 was good. Rock of Love Season 1 was good. Now it's over. Done. Played out. Remember The World Series of Pop Culture? Maybe you could bring that back instead. Behind the music? Pop Up Video? Yeah. Any of those are a far better alternative. Down with the shit before others get hurt!


What kind of laws do we have to pass to make sure that this never happens again?

Um, does that outfit look familiar to anyone else?

Tragedy Music Monday

Last night, I ventured over to The Basement to check out Harrison Hudson at one of the vibiest venues in town [that's a compliment]. I gotta say, those of you who didn't attend really missed out. HH is a great little 3 piece rock band out of Nashville, and its a damn shame that they haven't gotten more exposure because they are GOOD. I was going to put up so music for you guys, but tragically couldn't find any "embeddables", but if you go to, you can download their cd for free. FREE! And its perfectly legal! Now, hows that for good news on a Monday morning?

Muuuuuuuuuuuuusic Monday

Fate Is the Hunter


This kid was recording himself in the middle of the Apple Store on 5th Ave in New York City. Please take note of the reactions of the people behind him. What a baller.

Country Music Monday

Dear Martina,

I am so glad that you finally have a song/album that I can get behind. I was OBSESSED with this song over the weekend. It's suuuuuuuper good. Take a listen!

Friday, August 21, 2009

My Mind Is Being Blown

There is so much great new music out- this is going to be the best fall ever! ;)

The new album that I've just found out about that I'm super stoked for? A Fine Frenzy. Her new album is due out September 8 [soon!] and is called "Bomb in a Birdcage". Right now, there are two singles available from the album, "Blow Away" and "Happier". I'm not super duper crazy about "Blow Away", but I think that's just because its very different for her. I'm all about an artist growing and expanding their craft, but I dont usually care for it when they completely abandon what made them great. I'm not saying that she did that, just saying that I'm not a huge fan of this song right now, but I probably will be at some point in the future. "Happier" struck a chord with me much more quickly-you should all download it on iTunes immediately. I'm super pumped for this album.

Blow Away

Other albums I'm excited about:

This week: Third Eye Blind released a new album. What? Who knew? I flipping love me some Third Eye Blind. I'm just now downloading it, so I can't say for sure whether or not the album is great, but I'll keep you posted. I'm very worried that they might be past their prime and that it could be time to "let it go", but I'm hoping this album proves me wrong. You can listen to the full album here.

Next week:
Colbie Collait [Don't Judge- I like her new single]: Breakthrough
Imogen Heap: Ellipse
Mellowdrone: Angry Bear [Love the title. Reminds me of someone I know]
Ingrid Michaelson: Everybody

Uh, next week is not going to be good for my wallet.

September 1st:
Whitney Houston: I Look To You [Don't Judge Me!]

September 8th:
Pete Yorn & Scarlet Johansson: Breakup

September 11th:
Jay-Z: Blueprint 3

September 14th:
Muse: The Resistance

September 29th:
Mariah Carey: Memoirs of An Imperfect Angel [Again, please don't judge. I hate the title, but I am unfortunately a loyal Mimi fan.]
Paramore: Brand New Eyes
Swell Season: Strict Joy

October 27th:
Weezer [really???]: Raditude

November 3rd:
Carrie Underwood

November 10th:
Three 6 Mafia: Laws of Power

November 24th:
Lil' Wayne: Rebirth

Done and Done! I expect to be very broke and very musically fulfilled this fall.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Trashy TV: Monday- Friday

Ok, I admit, I've fallen off a bit with the trashy tv recaps, especially for The Real World: Cancun, but I made a valiant effort last night to watch not only this weeks new episode, but last weeks rerun [there's still an ep missing- what are you gonna do?].

So, let me give you the rundown....

So sweet little Joey got kicked off the show. Boooooooooooooo. I know, I know. That kid definitely brought the laughs and was one of the few people in the house to consistantly stand up to Ayiiiah [Gah, I hate that bitch]. Evidently, your pal and mine, CJ the goon set the alarm for the wrong time, Joey was late for work, and StudentCity is a two strikes you're out kind of company. So Joey is back to the real world [no pun intended, but ha! words are funny] to be in his band. Um, yeah. Late Nite Wars. They're terrible. But check them out if you like.

So then homegurl Jasmine went CRAZY BITCH when the guy she was crushing on, Pat, didn't want to screw a crazy girl [her] and instead went after her flirty roommate Jonne [who HAS a boyfriend by the way- dont get me started]. Jasmine, like many people I know [not me] drinks her emotions and when she started getting crazy she would just drink more which OF COURSE helped the crazy factor [NOT]. Then she got in a fight with Emily. Then she let all the roommates be late for work. Then everyone hated Jasmine.

Lets see, then boring, boring, boring.......Then Jasmine hooked up with some gay guy [spoiler alert: he doesnt know hes gay yet] in order to make Pat jealous, but Pat didn't care because he was spending the night with Jonne the whore. Dun Dun Dunnnnnnn. Then Jonne breaks up with her boyfriend and me thinks he is not going to handle this well.

Then Bronne, who I find to be hilarious [and it confuses me that I kind of want to be his friend] got HAMMERED and threw a fire extinguisher off the hotel balcony into the pool. ????????. I don't care what level of drunk you are, does that EVER really seem like a good idea? Evidently yes. But instead of getting kicked off the show, Bronne was only kicked out of the hotel. He had to go live at the Student City housing with all of the other peasants and had to sleep in a hammock his first night there because he got locked out of his room. Wah waaaaaah. What a life.

The rest of the show was really pretty boring and uneventful. Next week is when Matt, Jonne's ex, goes crazy, so tune in for that!

More trashy recaps to come [expect a Project Runway one tomorrow].

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

This Makes Me Cry

Huge, huge tears of Joy.

Like A Boss

Trashy TV: Monday- Friday

It's no secret to the readers of this blog that I LOVE Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Does it make sense? No, of course not. But I do. And I frequently wish that I was a member of their family [which makes even less sense].

Kourtney and Khloe [my two fave Kardashians] have a new show, Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami. The debut was on Sunday, but I just got around to watching it last night.

I gotta say, I wasn't super duper into it. I"m sure its going to be a great show, and I know that I'll watch it, but I dunno, I lost interest pretty easily. Basically, the girls are in Miami and Kim [their bootylicious sister] comes down for the opening. Kim and Khloe get into a fight [what else is new?] about who is whoring themselves out more for the business, and who does more work, and who has less cellulite and who looks more like a man. Etc, etc, blah blah blah. That goes on for awhile.

Then we learn that Khloe has a late night radio show- FUN! I want a radio show. Doesn't that seem like the most fun job in the world? Getting paid to talk and play the music that you love? Done and done playa! Her co host is named Terrance, an adorable little black boy who she ends up kissing after a night partying. I don't blame her. Homeboy is a-dor-a-ble.

Then, Kim throws a hissy fit and decides to leave. She doesn't want to steal anybody's thunder [oh please] and blah blah blah. But then, in a sudden twist of events, D-A-S-H Miami is vandalized! Gasp! And so the three sisters must come back together like the Holy Trinity and solve all of DASH's problems like the blessed team that they are.

They have a store opening party and then an actual store opening and all. is. well. Until next week, when, assuredly, Kim and Khloe will get into another fight. Nevertheless, I watch. I watch and I report. I'll let you know when things get good.

In other news, the new season of Project Runway debuts tomorrow night- on Lifetime. Don't forget it! Set your DVRs, your VCRs, whatever, whatever, just!

Are You An Imogen Heap Fan?

If not, you should be. Check out a full version of her upcoming release Ellipse below.

You're welcome.

Monday, August 17, 2009

More New Music Monday post of the day. We're going to end it on a high note with the new Imogen Heap video. Don't ever underestimate or forget about Imogen. Sometimes I forget about her and I always regret it.

New Paramore

Mashup Music Monday

Hey Zex

What. Is. UP??? Damn.


This girls gettin sleepy. Let's pick it up a bit. Love me some 88 Keys

E is for Emo

But, meh, we're gonna post it anyway.

Reinventing the Heartbeat

How To Be A Hepburn on the Today Show!

My beautifully talented writer friend, Jordan Christy, was on the Today Show this morning with Kathie Lee and Hoda to promote her new book "How To Be A Hepburn In a Hilton World".

First of all, I'm just super jealous of how well she looks on television! Gor-ge-ous! Second of all, how AMAZING is it that she made it on National Television? Homegirl has gotten a lot of great press so far and this is like the icing on the cake for her. Her career only stands to grow and grow and grow.

Her book is available now- go buy it right away and learn how to keep your panties on! ;)

New Music Monday

I love finding new music. Not sure if I'm behind the times with this one, or if you guys know who PlayRadioPlay! are, but they are new to me, and I'm thoroughly enjoying them. Here hoping that you like them too!


This Will Get Your Blood Flowing

What better way to kick off your Monday morning than with a bumping Jam? Looooove this song.

Jerk It - Thunderheist

Owl City Music Monday

Of June


Let the madness begin.

I'm super pumped for the new Mute Math cd "Armistice" to come out tomorrow. I think they're really doing something different with their music, and their videos are always so clever. The video for their first single, "Spotlight", is below. Check it out! [thanks Mere]

Gurl, You Gots Good Hair

Chris Rock has a new documentary coming out about the ins and outs of African American hair and how different types give a different social status and what not. It looks pretty interesting and, of course, hilarious.

Let's Chat...

So, I don't watch Dancing with the Stars, but I know plenty of people who do, and I found this upcoming seasons "cast" so interesting that I just had to write about it. This is who we have:
Donny Osmond: Singer [Oh, way to be original Donny. Your sister, you know the one- Marie, already did this.]
Mya: R&B singer and actress [Um.......wah? This'll be good for the street cred you never quite achieved. Good decision Mya]
Michael Irvin: Former NFL wide-receiver [What else is he going to do?]
Melissa Joan Hart: Actress ('Sabrina the Teenage Witch') [Ok, I'm sensing a trend here.....]
Kelly Osbourne: Singer [kicked off the first week. you watch.]
Debi Mazar: Actress ('Entourage') [but she still has a legit career on a legit show!!]
Chuck Liddell: Light heavyweight champion
Natalie Coughlin: Olympic gold medalist in swimming
Joanna Krupa: Swimsuit model
Aaron Carter: Singer [REALLY????]
Tom DeLay: Former House majority leader [REAAAAALLLLLLLLYYYYYYY?????]
Kathy Ireland: Model
Ashley Hamilton: Actor, Son of former 'Dancing' contestant George Hamilton; previously married to Shannen Doherty and Angie Everhart.
Mark Dacascos: Actor, host of 'Iron Chef America'
Louie Vito: Pro snowboarder
Macy Gray: Grammy-winning singer

One of the blogs that I read calls the show "Dancing with the Has-beens" and it is SO accurate! You will never find a relevant celeb on this show! They all go on with the hopes of, what, reviving their career?? How many people do you think will say "Oh, Macy Gray is on Dancing with the Stars- I hope she puts out a new cd!". Do any of you watch this show? Can you weigh in please?

Friday, August 14, 2009

I Love New Music

Worth the clickthrough. Promise.

Other Lives

Dear Friends..

Please do me a solid. My dear friend Sarah is a cancer survivor and is currently doing research on healthcare issues for young people. If you are between the ages of 18-30, please please take two minutes out of your day to fill out this survey and forward it on to a friend. Click here to head to the survey. Thank you!!

In Other Trashy TV News....

According to Gawker, there may very well be an upcoming edition of The Real Housewives for the Gays! Gay housewives! I looooooooooooves it.

There was a casting email of sorts that went out stating:

"I'm looking for the hottest young, fabulous gay men NYC has to offer for an upcoming docu-series. These boys need to be living the good life, keeping up with all the hottest shopping, restaurants, and clubs, and preferably have lots of drama keeping them busy at all hours of the day…and night. I'd love for them to be in a relationship, and we're looking for diversity in those relationships – especially younger/older dynamics.

Do any of your friends fit this bill? We all know SOMEONE who needs to have their own TV show, right?"

Count this girl in- I'll watch it!

Trashy TV: Monday- Friday

I am absolutely horrified to admit that I watched my first round of Real Housewives of Atlanta last night. There have been some chaaaaaaaangeeeeeeees.

For example, NeNe gots a new house. No, no, it wasn't an upgrade- its seemingly a house that actually belongs to her [if you'll remember, after the first season aired, many of the wives were accused of renting their fabulous houses].

Another example, there's a new housewife. Her name is Kandi. She is apparantly a very successful songwriter [think "No Scrubs" by TLC, "Bills, Bills, Bills" by Destiny's Child, "It Makes Me Ill" by NSYNC, etc etc]. So, seemingly, she is the first and only housewife in this franchise to have a legit career. Sorry, Sheree, but being a faux fashion designer just isn't cutting it for me. This leads me to ask.....why? Why do you need the show? If you are a successful songwriter in a [semi] successful relationship, why do the show at all?

Things that haven't changed: Kims wig. Damn girl! I know Bravo paid you for Season 1- get you some new hair!! I mean, sure, you thought you had cancer, your hair fell out, etc [newsflash- generally the chemo is what makes the hair fall out, not the disease. I digress!], but home.gurl. New Hair! Put it on your to do list [right after the Botox and VelaShape.....don't think I didn't look it up]. And, again, why is a 30 year old woman getting Botox? Really???

Lisa and her husband [the washed up NFL player] are trying to get pregnant again and they want a girl- and twins! They don't seem to have any problems making the babays since they have a little one right now, but in order to increase their chances of twins/girls, they are visiting the fertility doctor. Remember when people used to do it the old fashioned way and just see what came out? I mean, maybe there was a Venn Diagram involved every now and again, but for the most part it was a surprise! It was like a gift bag at a birthday party as a child- you got what you got. But hey, I don't judge.

Another thing that didn't change was that Sheree is still the most annoying person on the face of the planet. She has a new house- in the woods. So she's learning how to shoot a gun. Great. I'm just waiting for the news article where Sheree drank too much wine and accidentally shot her stupid dog.

My absolute favorite part of last nights episode was when Sheree's bitch Army friend Tonia told NeNe she was fat and Lisa that she needed to do something with her hair. My least favorite part was that they didn't whoop her ass right then and there! Me senses a little tension between the threesome and I hope that they throw down before the season is over.

Last night was Episode 3- there will be much more to come.

Be Still My Heart

This child is ADORABLE. I understand that not everyone will agree with Barack Obamas policies [in the words of a friend, thats why theres chocolate and vanilla], but how can you not enjoy him as a person? He's just so damn likeable! The fact that the leader of the free world took time out of his schedule to do an interview with this adorable child just makes my heart swell.

Pass this video along to a friend- its definitely share worthy.

Thanks Merequito

This video has been kept from the public for too long. It goes beyond trumping my videos of Lollapalooza dancers. Some of my favorite highlights: the brow wipe, the power down [and not being able to power back up], and the backwards roll.

Please enjoy.

This Is The Worst. Week. Ever.

First we heard that Brooks and Dunn were breaking up. Then Kourtney Kardashian got knocked up [how will she ever party again? what am i supposed to watch on television?], and NOW Reno 911 has been cancelled???

How can this be? Reno 911 could be one of the most hilarious shows on television, and definitely the best non-talk show style production that Comedy Central had on the airwaves. Oh, and if you haven't seen it, rent Reno 911: Miami. That. Movie. Is. Hilarious. I rarely to never [usually never] watch the same movie over and over again, but that one made me laugh so hard, I watched in twice in the same week. Here's hoping that they make another movie after the show goes off the air. Hell, let's dream big- 5 more movies! It can be the new Police Academy.

In memorium, one of my favorite scenes from the movie. Just for you.

UPDATE: yeah, i didn't rewatch that clip and it had boobies in it. Not very family friendly. On the other hand, how many 6 years olds are reading my blog?

I've replaced it with a TV clip- kinda fuzzy, but the hilarity remains.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

New Radiohead

I love it when bands leak their own stuff. And by love I mean, it kind of confuses me, but I appreciate it anyway. Check out the new Radiohead....leaked by.....Radiohead.

More Videos

I know I've posted this song a few times on Music Mondays, but there's a video out now and I reeeeallly like this song. So I'm posting it again. Sue me.

It Must Be Video Thursday

My one, true hope in life is that everyone is wrong about Anderson Cooper and his actually ISN'T gay. Rather, he and NeNe from The Real Housewives of Atlanta are involved in an illicit affair and that she will leave her husband for Anderson and they will have adorable chocolate and vanilla swirl babies and live happily ever after.

I am blushing on Anderson's behalf.

Oh Stars

I love Asians. I love Christopher Walken. I love Tosh.0. I love this video.

Tosh.0Thurs, 10pm / 9c
Asians Doing Christopher Walken Impressions
Daniel ToshMiss Teen South CarolinaDemi Moore Picture

Pretty sure that last guy is NOT Asian.

Extreme Sheperding

This video is amazing. Its just like being at Mule Day.


Yes Please.



For the love of everything that is holy, please oh please oh please eat something. It is not sexy when we can see bones!

I saw a girl this past weeked who was walking around in a bikini top and short shorts, which is acceptable because it was approximately 167 degrees, but literaly I could see all of her bones. Clavical, ribcage, etc etc, and I just wanted to shake her and say "That is not sexy! You look like you need to be hooked up to an IV. Please have a popsicle."

It Was Bound To Happen Sometime

Kourtney Kardashian is preggers. Let's be honest, its surprising that this is the first time that one of these girls has announced they're knocked up- they're straight whores! Why do I love their show? I have no idea but I can't get enough of it.

Who do we think is going to take care of this baby? Kourtney can barely take care of herself. I mean, there's no doubt that this baby will be incredibly spoiled and loved, but seriously, who is going to care for it. My money is on Bruce Jenner. He's a good mom.

Kourtney told People magazine, "I was just so shocked". Why do people not use protection and then act so surprised when they end up pregnant? This isn't rocket science people!

Something's Fishy Here...

Oh my gosh, have you guys seen this video? This little girl is just wading around in the water and then all of a sudden she is carrying around a fish [that is nearly the size of her] like its her pet poodle. Crazy!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Today I Am Loving....

Parachute. Can't get over it. It's really radio friendly pop-rock. Kind of like if The Fray and All American Rejects had a baby [but better, b/c neither of those bands are my fave]. Check it out!

Losing Sleep

Judgemental Judy

You guys remember The New York Times? That really amazing newspaper that comes out of "The City" that has politically charged articles, pieces on the cutting edge of art, and enlightening editorials?

Yeah, well sometimes its filled with shit too.

Under the column aptly named "Critical Shopper", Cintra Wilson recently went on a rant against JCPenney and how middle America is invading its way into Manhattan. Without going in depth about the article, my favorite paragraph has got to be this one:

"The petites section features a bounty of items for women nearly as wide as they are tall; the men’s Big & Tall section has shirts that could house two or three Shaquilles. And this is really, remarkably smart.

This niche has been almost wholly neglected on our snobby, self-obsessed little island. New York boutiques tend to cater to the stress-thin, morbidly workaholic, Pilates-tortured Manhattan ectomorph. But there are many more body types who vote with their hard-earned dollars, who appreciate a clean new space in Midtown to buy affordable clothes in hard-to-find sizes, as well as attentive service from attitude-free professionals. Since Penney’s remains so doggedly unchanged, it seems to be a familiar place for tourists on a budget; they feel comfortable buying at Penney’s, and these clothes still feel special, because they were bought in New York City."

Bitch. [Check out the full article here].

But all of this really begs a bigger question: Why as a society are we so judgemental? You can try your best to convince me that you aren't judgemental, but I'm not going to believe you. Do you know why? Because I say the same thing about myself, but its a LIE.

Why do we constantly feel the need to put others down for their choice of dress, transportation, lifestyle, etc? We judge people based on their religion, food choices, level of income......and its disgusting. Why should we care if a guy who is a few pounds overweight is wearing skinny jeans? Or if that girl is far too pretty to be with that guy? Or if someones clothes are hand me downs as opposed to brand new?

The fact that there are people in this world who would base their opinion of me on the fact that my sandals came from Target instead of Dior is slightly crushing to the ego, but the fact is that judgement is in our core. But does it have to be?

So, the next time that you see something that you don't like about another person and feel inclined to laugh with a friend over it , think about what they might be laughing at you about. You might just rethink your judgement.

You only get what you give away- so give love.

Love Always,

Your Friend Lela

Oh Turtles

I'm posting this mostly for the hilarity factor, but also because I actually saw two turtles doing it at a local state park not that long ago. They were in the water so I couldn't see their faces, but they sure were making a lot of noise. I mean, it isn't shark week anymore, so we have to get our nature in somehow, right?

More Lolla Recaps

Oh I forgot to show you guys the pic I snapped of Oprah while in Chicago!


Is this for real??

I mean, I guess we shouldn't all be so surprised. Britney did the exact same thing. Disney gets their pop stars in their clutches and the only way for them to get out is to be so scandalous that they get fired. You wait- pretty soon even the Jonas Brothers won't be virgins anymore.

The thing that amazes me the most here is that her parents go about that picture in Vanity Fair- but pole dancing in hot pants on national television in front of children is acceptable? This confuses me. But what do I know? I'm just a young twenty something who writes in a blog.

Oh, These Two Again

Is anyone else just completely the freak over these two?

I just dont CARE that they have 27 children from 50 different nations. I dont CARE that they have sex in a grotto in their backyard. I dont CARE that Angelina has new tattoos. I dont CARE that they are sooooooo in love [vom, vom, vom in my mouth]. Is it just me??

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Good Call Georgia

So evidently, in the city of Marietta, Georgia, there is a local problem plaguing the city parks- gay sex. Gasp! How dare they? Sex in a park? Who would want to do that?

Anyway, the locals are trying to figure out a way to solve the problem. I get it, I get it, three years old is a bit young to be learning about the perils of butt sex. But one local newspaper columnist has come up with a solution: train the dogs at the park to attack the gays. Brilliant! Now instead of your children seeing a little skin, they'll see the local minority get mauled to death by a German Shepard. There seems to be a lesser of two evils here.

This is my suggestion- stop making the parks so sexy. Who DOESN'T want to do illicit things in a park? I mean, there are swings there! I personally love swings. The grass is usually really soft, you've got a nice surrounding of flowers- I mean, it really goes hand in hand doesn't it? So there- that's my solution. Make the parks less sexy and the sex will stop.

Now, onto the other problems of the world....

On The Real...

You know I love some slang. I love learning new slang. And I love sharing slang [espeically with Brasilians]. TrendCentral sent out some new slangies that are a bit new to me, and I thought I'd share [thanks merejo].

Real Talk
n. This phrase is used to highlight that whatever is being said is the actual truth and not the rose-colored variety. One of the most famous users of this expression is vlogger Mr. Chi-City, who tends to drop the phrase every few seconds.
"Real talk, I was so hungover, I slept next to the toilet, real talk."

Social Notworking
v. Checking your social networking pages while on the job.
"I got caught Facebook stalking by my boss today. I hope he doesn't get mad I was social notworking."

n. A person who dresses like a hybrid of a gypsy and a hipster.
"There were hoards of gypsters at that
Fleet Foxes concert afterparty in Echo Park last night."

n. A tunic or shirt that is scandalously worn as a dress; the term has come into use because of the trend of girls leaving the house without a vital component - their pants. (And we're not talking about mistaking leggings for pants; we mean the bare-legged girls that seem to be just wearing an oversized men's shirt.)
"Can you believe she wore a shress to school? She looked like she just came from a slumber party."

n. A word used to describe just how epic (i.e. awesome) something is.
"Did you see Tony jump out of the tree into the swimming pool? It was totally stupid but I gotta say the epicocity level was 10."

abbr. This strictly means "down to" and originated in the land of texting. Like other phrases that begin at the thumbs of teenage girls, DT has migrated into actual verbal conversations.
"Do you want to go shopping tomorrow?" "DTGS"

n. A term used to describe a member of the opposite sex.
"See them berries sipping on martinis? They look ripe for a picking."


Dear Brittany,

You're welcome.

Weekend Recap

Dear Everyone,

Let me start by apologizing for the lack of Music Monday yesterday. I was, needless to say, a bit music'd out after the weekend. I am contemplating a Music Tuesday as a make up [let me know what you think via Twitter- @YourFriendLela].

Lollapalooza was a succes to say the least. It was a busy, rainy, blisteringly hot weekend, but
damn was it FUN. I didn't get to see as much music as I had hoped, but I suppose that no one ever leaves a festival having seen everyone they wanted to.

We started the weekend with these beautiful views:

Lucky girl. I know.

Friday included a LOT of rain and not being rain ready in the slightest, but I gotta say, if I had
seen Bon Iver dry, I just don't think it would have had the same effect on me. Note to self: Always Listen to Bon Iver wet. Ben Folds and Kings of Leon were Friday afternoon and night respectively. Both put on amazing shows and the crowd for KOL was just completely stupid. For my Trashy TV Readers, there was an Ed Westwick and Jessica Szohr sighting at KOL. Who? Chuck Bass and Vanessa from Gossip Girl. Now you're with me. From what I hear, they're big KOL fans and looked like they were having a pretty good time [We all were. That was a damn good show.] Later in the night Friday, we had a Lindsay Lohan. Yes, THE Lilo. I always thought she was a mystical creature, like the unicorn, but it turns out she does exist [but just barely]. We didn't realize that she was standing right next to us until she started walking away and Alex said "That girl needs to eat something." And she was right. I know Samantha Ronson was DJing an after party in Chicago- wonder if Lindsay was just stalking or if they're back together? UPDATE: Turns out I don't really care.

Saturday morning was a bit of yummy Chicago breakfast [fyi, cold oatmeal is DELICIOUS]. Saw/heard some Miike Snow, Atmosphere and Santigold. I missed out on the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, but filled my disspointment with deep dish pizza and red wine [yes, I drink red wine now. I'm trying to be classy. ;)]. All this was followed by an amazing DJ set from the boys of Manchester Orchestra and lots more fun.

I like to think that I saw my future on Saturday and it looked a little something like this:

There were so many freaking little kids that were so much cooler than me! There was one baby in a stoller [IN A STROLLER] with a mohawk that was blue. Blue! I had to look away, I couldn't even handle his cool factor.

Sunday led us to seeing/hearing a bit of Kaiser Chiefs, The Airborne Toxic Event [who i loved], Ke$ha, Cold War Kids [L.O.V.E], Snoop Dogg, and a bit of Band of Horses [wish I could've heard more. They're so great]. Before Ke$ha's set, her DJ was warming the crowd up with some cool jams. Everyone was having a great time and then this guy showed up next to us and he was BRINGING THE MOVES. Seriously. So I decided he deserved a spot on the blog.

and THEN, this guy showed up. And he was ALSO bringing the moves. I was kind of hoping they would have a dance off and things would get super real, but it never happened.

but thats ok. You guys can now enjoy them and they are having 35 seconds of fame on my blog. We all win.

Sunday night was an another amazing dinner at Hub 51 and some after shows with Ra Ra Riot, Chairlift and Ke$ha. Then I lost my wallet in a cab. Three hours before my flight. Then a good Samaritan called my hotel and said they had a wallet [really? who DOES that? can everyone please send this person good karma on my behalf??]. Then we missed our flight anyway. Then we made it home. And then we were exhausted. I guess its good to know that my body can handle being up for 36 hours straight, but I'm not sure that I want to do it again anytime soon.

Sorry the liveblogging didn't work out, but I hope this weekend review slightly makes up for it!