Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Who Watches the Watchmen?

Evidently, I do. 

I had a screener to go see this movie on Monday night, and I figured, why not? I didn't know anything about the book, and honestly didn't have a serious interest in it, but who can say no to a free movie?

I brought along a friend who actually WAS very excited about the movie and is a big fan of the book. I figured this way we would have two very differing views going into the movie and perhaps would have differing opinions after our viewing was over. 

I was wrong. We mostly agreed.

First of all, the movie is WAY to long, coming in just shy of three hours. I thought the movie wrapped up nicely and that it all made sense in the end, but there were a lot of unnecessary tangents that made the movie about an hour longer than it needed to be. 

For me, personally, the movie was a tad violent. I get that it was a comic book movie and that these vigilantes are out for justice, I'm just saying, it's definitely not a movie for the kids. 

I thought the movie lacked consistency- if you're going to make it feel like a comic book movie then great, but it can't also be super serious AND super funny [but if you need those emotions to come across, keep it in a comic book feel]. My friend felt as though the characters were really there [i agreed] but that the execution wasn't top notch. I'm also told that the movie strayed from the book quite a bit. 

If you are a Watchmen fan, nothing I say is going to stop you from seeing this movie, nor would I try to- I definitely wouldn't say it sucked. But, if you aren't very familiar with the book or are not totally convinced you want to see this movie, then don't. Save your $9.50 [is that REALLY what movies cost now?] and rent it- that way you can take bathroom breaks whenever you want, because, believe me, this sucker is long!

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