Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ask Yourself....

...why would she go back to him?? 

After Rihanna read a text message on Brown's phone from a woman, he tried to force Rihanna out of the car, but couldn't because she was wearing her seatbelt.

Brown then allegedly slammed Rihanna's head against her window, and when Rihanna turned to face him, he punched her.

The notes said blood spattered on Rihanna's clothing and the interior of the Lamborghini.

Rihanna also called her assistant, according to FOX 11, leaving a message saying, "I am on my way home. Make sure the cops are there when I get there."

Brown then reportedly replied, "You just did the stupidest thing ever. I'm going to kill you," and proceeded to punch and bite Rihanna. He allegedly put her in a headlock so long that she almost lost consciousness.

I understand that domestic violence is a very tricky issue and that they are rarely situations that are easy to get out of, but we are NOT talking about a married couple here. We are merely talking about teenagers who are dating who do not live together, have no children, and Rihanna has no financial dependence on Chris Brown. They are from different sides of the world and it would be very hard for him to get to her to hurt her with the barrier of friends, family and security that are surely intensely protecting her right now. I'm just not convinced that there is a side to this story that we haven't heard yet [although the above is fairly convincing]. I just dont get why you would go back to a man who beat you when you just dont have to. 

Rihanna, you are confusing. 

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