Thursday, March 12, 2009


What good is a blog if you can't rant and rave about things that annoy you every now and again? Today my annoyance is twofold and, what the heck, I'm going to share with you!

Part 1: Blinkers

Dear Everybody,

Please use your blinkers. Edgar A. Waltz would not have invented the blinker [er, turn signal?] if he did not consider it to be a useful contraption! A turn signal is a courtesy, yes, but more importantly it is a safety feature! I cannot tell you how many times I have seen cars almost be hit [or almost hit them myself] because they did not properly notify the other cars around them that they would be turning!

"But Lela," you may ask, "How do I know when I should use my turn signal?". Good question. Let's use a general rule of thumb here and say : ALWAYS. Now, I'm no fool, I know that, even though you should,  you are not always going to use your blinker  [much like you will not always use a condom, even though you should] so here are the most important times to use your blinker: When you are changing lanes on the freeway, when you are changing lanes on a regular road, when you are driving down a busy road with cars beside and behind you driving very fast  and you  intend to turn off the road onto another road.

Times when it is not so important: When you are at a 4 way stop and no one else is there, and when you are already in a turn lane. Hope this clears things up for you morons. 

Now, next topic: Sports Bras

Dear Girls at the Gym who insist upon wearing only a sports bra,

Please stop. I do not care how fit [or unfit] you are, you should invest in a shirt. I do not care to see you half naked, running on the treadmill in only a sports bra with your cha chas bouncing around for the whole world to see. I understand that there are many men at the gym who will disagree, so if you are doing this for their benefit, perhaps you should just make little business cards with your number that say "I'm easy" and hand them out. Also, just so you know, at MY gym, you are likely to get raped in the parking lot if dressed this way [not saying you would deserve it, just saying that my gym is not in the best part of town].

Now stepping off of Soapbox.


Anonymous said...

I get sooooo angry when people don't use their turn signals too!!!!

Melinda said...

it's always been my goal to be one of the sports bra girls. not to actually do it. but to be skinny enough to know that i can.