Thursday, March 26, 2009

Buy Me Some Peanuts and a Heart Attack

A ballpark in Grand Rapids, Michigan has decided to sell a 20 dollar, 4 pound, 4800 calorie hamburger at their ballpark this season.

Um, yikes

4800 calories is like two or three days worth of eating [for a woman]. Could you even imagine?? 

The hamburger has 5 beef patties, 5 slices of cheese, and tons of chili, salsa and corn chips. And as a way to "encourage" fans to try to the burger, those who can eat it all in one sitting get a prize! That just seems crazy! Thankfully, they do provide pizza cutters for those who are sane enough to split this with their friends. Well, anybody up for a little baseball??

1 comment:

Yours Truly said...

oh my god, I think thats the WhiteCaps stadium in Comstock Park, MI. Michigan is like the third fattest state in the union, what are you gonna do? (buries native michigander head in hands)