Monday, March 23, 2009

My Two Cents

Everyone has been chit chatting about this alleged affair with LeAnn Rimes and her Northern Lights co-star Eddie Cibrian [who is soooooo yummy]. This is my two cents.

1) LeeAnns [spelled that way on purpose b/c her way is stupid] husband Dean is gay. He just is. We don't need cousin "Peebles" to call some Michigan radio station and tell them that Dean is gay, because we already know that he is. Homeboy has got a serious case of the gay face AND he used to shop in JCrew after working out. I know few straight men who wear daisy dukes [sometimes neon] to work out in and THEN go to the mall, unless they happen to be running incredibly long distances. Somehow I think he was probably doing pilates. I have a pretty darn good gaydar and we all know it. Dean is gay.

Just look at how disgusted he is.

2) This makes me question, "Did LeAnn know that Dean was gay when they got married?" I would say, probably. How could you not? Which probably means that they have some kind of "open relationship" where they are both allowed to get their giggles and rarely [if ever] are intimate with one another. It's not like this is a new concept. The term "gay husband" did not just come out of nowhere. If this is their arrangement and it is mutually beneficial, then let them do what they want! Why should we care?

3) I hope LeAnn isn't having an affair with Eddie [although, again, so yummy] simply b/c he has a wife who [probably] isn't gay and he has two young children. That would totally suck for his family. But, honestly, if you've seen the video or the pictures, it could really be anyone. Hell, it could be me! Whoever the couple is, they are obviously in a very intense relationship, but you really can't make out the faces well enough to say that it is for sure LeAnn and Eddie.

It seems to me that somebody had a [terrible] Lifetime movie to promote and an affair between co stars might be a good way to get people talking. Just sayin!

1 comment:

Melinda said...

i agree completely. the timing is just too perfect for it not to be a publicity stunt