Wednesday, March 11, 2009

When Will She Learn??

Oh JenAn- You say you are over Brad Pitt, and that you are madly in love with John Mayer, but we all know the truth, and you are not doing a very good job of changing our minds! If you are really over him, then stop talking about him and how much you love him. And John Mayer- where is your head at? Think of all the groupies you could've boned in the time you've been with JenAn. Idiots all around!

You were with Brad Pitt for seven years - and married for five. It must have been very intense, in the public eye? [sic]
“It was. But I don’t regret any of that time with Brad and I’m not here to beat myself up about it. They were seven very intense years together, and it was a beautiful and complicated relationship. I will love Brad for the rest of my life - you can’t take away good memories. I really do hope that we’ll be good friends again at some point. You can survive anything - human endurance is unbelievable. But yes, it’s sad coming to the end of something special. You try to avoid all the pain but that somehow causes even more. I’m a human being, have human experiences.”

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