Thursday, March 12, 2009

Trashy TV Monday through Friday

Once again, I am posting about one of the "Real Housewives of NYC". They are all equally ridiculous. Today, boys and girls, we will focus on LuAnn deLesseps [I absolutely REFUSE to call her "The Countess"].

So, for those of you who don't watch the show [bless your hearts] LuAnn is really, REALLY into manners, etiquette, politeness, properness, etc etc. LuAnn has been focusing recently on her new book Class With the Countess  [yes its real, and no that title is not a joke], and her friends are all like "but LuAnn, you have the title of Countess b/c you married a Count, not because you were born into wealth and riches- you're basically just an average Joe!" and LuAnn said "Shush! I have multipletudes of class!"

So anyway, LuAnn volunteers Bethenny the skinny chef to cook at Hope Lodge which is a place owned by the American Cancer Society where cancer patients can stay while getting treatment. Sweet little awkward Ramona Quimby offers to come by and help and all is grand until Bethenny starts talking about the great dating advice that Ramona had given her [which was, essentially, go out with lots of men for 6 months  and just have fun - but dont sleep with all of them- and dont worry about being in a relationship]. Well, LuAnn basically said that would make Bethenny a trollip in her circles and that she was better than everyone else. Somehow the subject then proceeded to LuAnn's marriage and Ramona made a comment about LuAnn's husband, The Count, being twice her age. Well, evidently this information is IN-CORR-ECT because LuAnn absolutely flipped her shit. For what felt like weeks she told Ramona how rude she was, and how she wanted to kick her out of the event [um, by event, do you mean the dinner she was helping to cook for?], and how she owed her and her daughter an apology, and how she had now class or manners, and she couldn't believe how poor she was, etc, etc, all the while Ramona is apologizing her tushy off. Every other word is "I'm so sorry", "I apologize", "I didn't mean to offend you." but LuAnn keeps beating it like a dead horse [and really, is it that big of a deal that she thought your husband was older than he is? Maybe that just means you look young for your age!].

Before all the bickering started, Bethenny told LuAnn that she was going to be on the cover of Social Life magazine and how excited she was, and LuAnn said "Are they going to do a lot of retouching?". Well, obvi this hurt Bethenny's feelings, but she waited until next week in The Hamptons Dahling to talk to LuAnn about it. Then LuAnn proceeded to call her ultra sensitive and bitch about how she wouldn't let it go!

Um, dear pot, please meet the kettle?

Somebody needs to send The Countess [dammit I caved] a copy of the episodes so she can see what a ninny she looks like!

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