Wednesday, March 11, 2009

This Is So Sad!

Oh wait, no it isn't! 

“Now I’m more a Real Housewife than I ever have been before!” McCord tells PEOPLE. “The whole time this show’s been on people have said ‘Define this term housewife,’ ‘Are you a real housewife?’ And I always said, ‘Well, I own a house and I am a wife! But now I’m a real housewife.”

The layoff was not related to McCord’s being on the Bravo reality show. The loss of her full-time job was one of 90 positions cut at the company’s New York headquarters — part of a 10-percent reduction in the brand’s workforce.

It actually isn't sad at all because I deeeespppppppise her. I despise her stupid gay husband who acts like he isn't gay even though everybody including him knows that he is. I desipse her stupid kids named Francois and Ludwig [or something]. I despise the way they speak, the way they act, the fact that they live in Brooklynn but vacation every summer  in"St Barts daaaahling". I despise her stupid fake plastic Barbie legs. She will never be a "real" housewife. She has no concept of what the term actually means. I'm not sorry she lost her job. So there

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