Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Gavie Daddy

Your friend and mine, Mr. Gaving DeGraw, has put out a new little number out called Free that was released late last week. It's a little more mellow than the last self titled album, and I think it is supposed to be his "push away" from pop music. But here's the thing- Gavin is great at pop music. Don't get me wrong, this cd is very enjoyable, I just hope that he doesn't completely stray from the styles that have given him such success in the past. 

03 Stay -


Yours Truly said...

Its back to Chariot and away from the crap that was the last record. I'm thrilled. Dancing Shoes has been my favorite for at least 5 years, its nice to not listen to live versions anymore. <3 <3 <3 to Gavin. You going to see him with me in May?

Lela said...

i'm definitely planning on going!