Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Bachelor

So I don't really watch the Bachelor- that is, unless I happen to be with my mom on a random Monday night. In that case, yes, I watch the Bachelor. That did actually happen about a month ago and I saw an episode where this season's bachelor, Jason, was down to [i think] 5 women- he let the mom from Alabama whose husband had died go. I called it then- bastard.

So I come home Monday night and check Facebook [why wouldn't you?]. At least every other person's status said something like "Screw Jason" or "It's like I dont even know Jason" or "I'll never watch the Bachelor again!" or "I'm committing suicide because Jason is an asshole!". My first thought was, "who the heck is this Jason guy and how exactly did he screw over so many of my friends" until I put two and two together [it equals four oddly enough] and realized that the finale of The Bachelor had been that night. Clearly some dramz had gone down and I needed to know what it was, so I changed my status and asked if someone would fill me.

I was not prepared for the information I received.

So apparantly, this JACKASS picks this one girl [their names both start with M's and I dont remember nor truly care which was which] to give the final rose to and proposes to her while send the other girl on her not-so-merry way. Jason, his son, and girl 1 will live happily ever after. 

Or will they?

Apparantly, they will not, because Monday night on the after show, Jason BREAKS UP with Girl 1 on National television and then asks Girl 2 to be with him! Is your brain hurting??? Mine is!

Let's discuss:

First of all, this is reality telelvision- we use the term "reality" as loosely as possible b/c rarely is anything about these shows real. They are usually scripted and the peeps paid and under contract. They basically have to do whatever the producers want. I am not convinced that these girls were not in on the plan the whole time.

Jason, on the other hand, claimed it wasn't planned and that he wanted to break up with Girl 1 off camera but the producers told him that he had a contractual obligation to do it on television. Right. Ok.

But, for a moment, let's pretend that it wasn't planned, wasn't scripted. Let's pretend this is all real life. If that is the case, then what the ?&#% is wrong with Girl 2??? She must be super insane in the membrane if she would take back the man who dumped her on national television then proposed to another, THEN dumped the other girl on national television only to ask her to be with him. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA? and she says YES to THAT??????

Girl is fuuuuuuucked up.

And why do the Bachelors have to propose with the final rose? Why can't they just say "Yo trick, I really like you, lets han gout and bump some nasties and then maybe one day i will want you to be my baby mama". I mean, it works in the hood.

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