Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Face on the Watercarton

That doesn't have quite the same ring to it [but did you guys watch and love The Face on the Milkcarton as a child? Omg, it was on ABC Family ALL THE TIME and I couldn't get enough. Great movie/book!]

Since bottled water companies have been getting a lot of flack in the wake of everyone "Going Green" a new company called Boxed Water is Better is putting out, well, boxed water. \

I think this is a very interesting concept and I'm all for things that are easily recycled and good for the earth, but would you buy water in a box? I still can't wrap my head around water in a can (it just tastes weird.) And can you imagine trying to take a carton of water to the gym or on a hike? That's going to be sliiiightly inconvenient.

If you ask me, Britta filters are still the way to go. You get to drink lovely, filtered tap water, its free, and you can put it in whatever kind of container is best for you. Go Green fellas!

Gavie Daddy

Your friend and mine, Mr. Gaving DeGraw, has put out a new little number out called Free that was released late last week. It's a little more mellow than the last self titled album, and I think it is supposed to be his "push away" from pop music. But here's the thing- Gavin is great at pop music. Don't get me wrong, this cd is very enjoyable, I just hope that he doesn't completely stray from the styles that have given him such success in the past. 

03 Stay -

Tips Tips Tips!

Thanks to everyone who tipped me off on the fact that Countess LuAnn de Lesseps will soon be the EX-Countess. Oh, you heard right, Count Chocolate has done left her ass for an Ethiopian woman [how exotic]. Granted, that's a pretty doo doo thing to do, Leave your wife who happens to be a very public television show and your two kids to be half way across the world just to have a little lady with some junk in her trunk [we have that here!]. Whatever will LuAnn do now? God forbid she have to join the show The Real Working Mothers of NYC. An Ex Countess shouldn't have to have a real job! For shame!

Because I Am Your Friend

I just wanted to share this picture because I thought it was incredible.


It is a Tuesday morning, and I am speechless. SPEECHLESS! It is far too early for this, but I'm giving it to you anyway- Kellie Picklers Krazie Hair

I mean, seriously, WHAT was she thinking??? I knew a girl in high school that kinda did her hair like that except 1) it looked way better and 2) she was in HIGH SCHOOL! It's appropriate then! Kellie was at some kind of fashion/runway/museum thing [you know, high class white trash shizz].

Kellie, listen to me. No. Just no. 

Monday, March 30, 2009

Whose House?


Default Layouts

Runs House - RUN-DMC

Because I Wanted To!

So what if I put two songs in a row from the same band. It's my blog- I'll do what I want!

This Charming Man - Stars

More Music Mondays

Your Ex-Lover Is Dead (Album Version) - Stars


Just when you thought the drama was over for Brit Brit, a new voicemail tape has been released. Could this be the beginning of a new scandal?? Me thinks YES!

The Perfect Song for Yesterday

Videotape - Radiohead

Grey's Gossip

I like Katherine Heigl- I really do! I find her to be funny and charming. I like her on Grey's Anatomy. I like her in movies (most). However, I do not always like her attitude. She recently did an interview with The New York Times about possibly staying on the show [we'll see] and whether or not she will continue to make movies on the show. She said, "I'm more than happy to make that compromise. As my agent likes to say, 'High class problems'. I dont know if I want to continue for five years working 12 months a year, but I can take at least another year or two."

Ok. I get that TV actors have very long days and fairly grueling schedules, but I also happen to know that they get LOTS of time off [why else would their shows only be on, basically, every other week during a season. i'm getting fed up with no new tv!]. Therefore, it particularly burns me that the thought of working 12 months straight is almost too much for Katherine to handle. And it's not just her I'm upset with. It's all actors who think that life is so hard for them. I'm sure its really hard to make a million dollars an episode, get free crap all the time, marry gorgeous people, and have approx 4 months off a year. REEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLY hard. Man, I don't envy their lives at all. I have got it GOOD. Don't you agree?

This Song Is Weird...

I'm posting it anyway.

Whats A Girl To Do? - Bat For Lashes

Bring It

Swagga Like Us T.I. and Jay-Z [Feat. Kanye West and Lil Wayne] (Amended Album Version) - C. Harris

I Mean, Why Not?

The Gambler - Kenny Rogers