Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Get Over It

Oh my GAAAAAAAH, I am so tired of everyone blowing EVERYTHING out of proportion. What is currently grating my skin is the new Miley Cyrus "scandal". God forbid she pull her eyes taught in a picture! She's making fun of Asians- oh no!!!

Everyone DEMANDED that she give an apology. "My Feelings are Hurt!" said the country of China. "We Don't Look Like That!", said Japan. Perez Hilton said, "You are mean and you should apologize!" (um, dear pot, please meet the kettle). 

Dear Everyone- don't you remember when we were little, playing hopscotch in the driveway, jumping rope and pretending that we were developing tatas early, chanting "Chinese, Japanese, Dirty Knees, Look at These!!". Nobody got offended by that! No one made us apologize! Know why? Because it's all in good fun!

First of all, Bloggers are the LAST people who should be demanding that anyone apologize for anything- they need to get their own shit straight before worrying about the sins of others. Second of all, everyone needs to stop getting offended about everything little thing that happens. The next thing you know, actors are going to be crucified by the English for terrible British accents they portray- "Horribly offensive!" they'll say. And no one will be able to give the shocker in a photo anymore- offensive to porn stars! "We take what we do for a living very seriously!" they'll say.

You know what offends me? When people go on rants and make jokes all the live long day about people from the south, or people who love Jesus- but you dont see ME demanding apologies. You know why? Because I can take a joke. Remember jokes everyone? You're about to get schooled.


1 comment:

Melinda said...

"um, dear pot, please meet the kettle"---AMAZING!!!!!

and i totally agree....who the f cares??