Monday, February 2, 2009

Live No Ordinary Life

I find myself today sitting at my desk in my really fun office with my really (REALLY) expensive degree working in the position that I have dreamed of for most of my life, and I am not satisfied. That is the only way I know how to describe it. I wouldn't say I'm bored- I have lots of things going on. I wouldn't say I'm 100% unhappy because there are many, many things that I love about my job (but I would also not say that I am 100% happy). 

I find myself feeling very ordinary. I feel like my life is mediocre, and I just simply cannot settle for that. I want to do so many things with my life, and I just can't help but wonder if this current life is just one goal that I am supposed to achieve and move on. There are so many things that I want to do in my life, and I just can't envision myself having the ability to do them while holding down a 9-6 job. I want to travel! I want to see the world! I want to (temporarily) live other places (hello, Best Job in the Word? It's LeeAnn calling...). I want to have lots of dogs. I want to own a shop. I want to write. I want to sing- I want to sing BGVs (doesnt that sound like fun??) . I want to LOVE. I want to eat cheese and drink wine all while looking at the Eifel Tower and wondering just how they put it together. I want to have children- lots. 

I want to see the world and I want the world to see me. I have incredibly bold dreams- but can't seem to find the courage to reach out and grasp them.

As of today, my new life motto is "Live No Ordinary Life." Now, I obviously can't quit my job tomorrow and hop on a plane to Paris, and I dont exactly have a plan as to how I am going to be extraordinary, but every day is a new day and I have the faith that if I try hard enough, I will find my way.


Unknown said...

Sounds like it's time to start our company...

Lela said...

No kidding- our brilliance is LOOONG overdue ;)