Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Don't Do It, Dave

I had the fabulous opportunity to go see Mr. Dave Barnes at the Exit/In on Friday night. It really took me back to my childhood (er, a few years ago) when I was head over heels in love with him. One time, a friend and I were talking to him after a show and I was so nervous that I couldn't say anything and I just kept playing with my scarf (i NEVER get that way) and finally he looks at me, smiles, and says "I like your scarf.". Um, be still my heart.

On Friday, he was totally giving me the sexy eye ( that, or his wife happened to be standing behind me- i'm not sure, but i'm going with the first). It was a good time.

I believe you shall hear lots from him on MUSIC MONDAY (1 day late)

Since You Said I Do - Dave Barnes

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