Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Have you ever seen the segment on SNL during "Weekend Update" where Seth Myers just says "Really???" over and over to ridiculous things?

This is my version of that.

Really??? Lindsay Lohan- really?

Lindsay has spoken out publicly to say that she eats just as much as she always has! Really??? Lindsay, we were never really concerned with how much you eat, we are more concerned with the amount of drugs you are taking!

She went on to say that her weight loss isn't intentional and that its due to "working a lot, stress, and lack of sleep". Really?????
Working a lot you say? Um, on what exactly? Being the best lesbian you can be? Trying to not to fuck around on Sam with a man?? Really??? Last I checked, you haven't had a movie out in AGES. The only, ahem, work I've seen you do is travel and party- and not only are you having fun but you're losing weight?! Sign me the hell up!

Lindsay also stated that she's never weighed herself in her life- really??? Not even when you go to the doctor, or are admitted to the hospital ( a few times a year)? Really??? Lindsay, do you remember the last time you got Skeletor skinny and accidentally slipped and told Vanity Fair that she had a drug problem. Don't remember that Lindsay? Really??? Let me refresh your memory

Um, yeah. We know you're on that Special K, that cocaine, maybe even the crystal- Lindsay, you have a receding hairline- really???

Really, Lindsay, get some help. Get some work (real work). Get some male loving (we know you want it). Really, just get over it. Really.

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