Monday, February 2, 2009


Dear Super Bowl,

I was not totally impressed with you. In fact, I was kind of bored (although the delicious SuperBowl food kept me fairly entertained for at least the first half). There were exactly TWO exciting plays: The 100 yard return (duh) and the Cardinals touchdown at the end of the 4th quarter. 

Next year, if we end up with two snooze-a-licious teams, could we just fast forward to the 4th quarter excitement and skip the rest? That way we get to the office a little bit quicker and everyone is happy!

It should have been a Titans/Ravens superbowl. Now THAT would have been exciting to watch! The game would've takent 7 hours b/c of all of the time outs for fighting and player injuries that would've incurred. Let's try to make that happen next year, ok?

Your Friend Lela

1 comment:

Melinda said...

well Titans/Ravens couldn't happen because they are in the same league...but i get your point...

Titans should have been there for sure!