Friday, February 20, 2009

Trashy TV: Monday-Friday

As much as I hate to admit it and as much as I would love to stop, I am pretty much obsessed with Trashy Television, ESPECIALLY trash reality televisino. My channel of choice? Bravo of course. I will never tire of The Real Housewives of Orange County, but I have  expanded my horizons with The Real Housewives of Atlanta and as of late I have been engrossed in The Real Housewives of NYC Season 2 [bitches]. 

Lets discuss: The "Real" (they are talking about breasts right?) "Housewives" (um, really?) of Orange County are pretty much exactly what you think they would be: a bunch of catty, dense women who are perpetually in high school ( and try to pretend that they have "real jobs" in "real estate"...........oh and there's Vicki who sells insurance, supposedly gets many accolades from her peers, and yet is still not quite the sharpest knife in the drawer [that cost cost $250k and is custom made from Dolphin kisses- there are only 2 others like it in the world!]). These women know about as much about being a "Housewife" as I know about being a rocketscientest. Bravo should start a show called "The Real Housewives of Maury County"- that shit would be REAL.

But, bless their hearts, I love 'em anyway.

But these Real Housewives of NYC (again, I use the terms "real" and "housewives" loosely) are some tough broads. They pull out the big guns, and that I can admire (you hear that Gretchen? Any ole girl can win the love of a dying rich man. You're going to have to step up your game if you want to impress me). These women get in "catfights" in the gossip columns New York City's biggest papers. I. LOVE. IT! Oh there is so much drama, and so much snottiness, and so much loooong eyelind accent that my little heart can barely stop itself from bursting with joy.

If you are not watching this show, you should be. Your mushy mind and hardened heart will thank you!

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