Thursday, February 19, 2009

Riddle Me This Joker....

.....when searching for the video of Beyonce's new song "Diva" (see post below), my first stop was obviously YouTube. Bang, tons of results- all of which say "embedding disabled by request".

This is some fuckery.

How on earth do these artists think that we are going to see their videos if not on blogs and other web pages (besides YouTube). Surely they dont think that MTV and Vh1 still play videos? (Except in the morning when I am getting ready- thank you Vh1). If you were spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on music videos, wouldn't you want people to see them anywhere they possibly could?

Thank goodness for imeem- it saves my blogs music life on a daily basis. 

Artists, let YouTube share your videos!!!!

[i am now removing myself from the soapbox]

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