Tuesday, February 3, 2009

An Open Letter

Dear Friends,

I have recently had a renewed love for my blog, and a renewed since of sadness that no one reads it (except for you of course!). I've just checked my blog profile and somehow since July of last year I have only had 127 reads- um, aka not that many.

My goal is to get to 150 by the end of the week (ie: a huge jump!).

So, what I am asking is, if you are reading this ( i believe i have approx 7 readers heehee), would you please send a link to 2 of your friends that have never read the blog (kind of like a chain letter! remember how fun those are??). And maybe, just maybe, one of them will read the blog and like it (gasp!), and then THEY in turn will send it to a friend. Surely I'll get 150 reads by Sunday that way......right?

I love you readers.
Your Friend Lela

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