Thursday, February 19, 2009

Maybe I'm Just Not That Into Him

On Valentine's Day I rounded up two of my very special gal pals and we went to catch a movie- He's Just Not That Into You.

"Perfect," I thought. "No lovey dovey crap here."

The movie begins with Ginnifer Goodwins character GiGi (which half of the characters pronounced JzeeJzee) being completely desperate- think Fatal Attraction. I mean, this girl is crraaaaaazy. Then she meets Justin Long who tells her that no man likes her, she's not the exception she's the rule, and that she'll never be happy (basically). 

Scarlett Johansson is a husband stealing crazy in this movie. Ben Affleck is afraid of commitment. Jennifer Connelly is frigid and weird. Jennifer Aniston acts desperate to get married (what else is new). Drew Barrymore is just generally kind of crazy (what else is new). Kevin Connelly is kind of a tool, and Bradley Cooper is an adulterer (but, spite me, i still love him!).

Again, perfect. There is absolutely nothing lovey dovey about this movie. I figured, no one will end up together and everyone will be unhappy and out of love (just like me!) on this Valentine's day.

Until the end. Spoiler Alert- Everything wraps up with a pretty little bow.

The idea that no one has a perfect ended was basically pounded in my head through the entire movie, but then EVERYONE has a happy ending! How dissapointing! How very anti- anti Valentine's Day! This did NOT make me happy.

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the movie. I'd prolly give it 4 out of 5 Friends (i give Friends instead of Stars or Thumbs Up- this is new). But take my advice- don't watch it on Valentines Day. 

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