Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Spend or Save: Home Edition, Part 2

Ok folks, time to continue on and wrap up our Home Edition of Spend or Save. I know you were all fretting last night on where you should spend your money!

Let's talk lamps and lighting. This is a place where you should SAVE, SAVE, SAVE. As far as I'm concerned, a lamp is a lamp is a lamp. As long as it's cute ad functional, I could really care less where it was made, how it was made, or if it has a designer name attached to it. The two lamps below are relatively similar in appearance but outrageously different in price. Can you guess which one is more expensive?


If you guessed the one on the right, you would be WRONG. The one on the left retails for around $270 for one. Whaaaaaaaaaaat???? To me, that is INSANE. If a lamp is costing me the price of a really good pair of shoes, it better be made out of solid gold or something. The one on the right retails for around $71. In my humble opinion, that's STILL a bit much to spend on a lamp, but its a good example of how much you can save just by doing a bit of research before purchasing.

- Save on RUGS. You can find great options at IKEA, Target, even Urban Outfitters, that are affordable and adorable. Your party guests are just going to spill wine on it anyway. Why spend the money?

-Spend AND Save on CHAIRS. Many times, you can find a great chair at Goodwill/Yard Sales/ Flea Markets that just needs a sassy recovering and a bit of TLC. If you're willing to put in the work, you can make an amazing addition to your home for pennies on the dollar. Then again, sometimes a flea market find just won't cut it. For example, I'm currently on the hunt for a sleeper chair that is big and cozy on the outside and a twin sized bed on the inside. Those do not come cheap, so I'm going to have to suck it up and spend some money there.

-Save on TABLES. Unless you are looking for furniture that is solid wood, your side and coffee tables do not need to cost you an arm and a leg. This is a great place to save some dough.

-Spend AND Save on ART. Art is what makes your house feel like a home and what gives it your specific personal touch. Save by creating your own! Painting is so fun and incredibly therapeutic and the best part is that free form and abstracts never go out of style. No actual talent required! Spend on pieces by your favorite artists or pieces that will appreciate in value. Art is certainly not a dying form.

Hope you guys enjoyed the home edition! Check back tomorrow for Spend or Save: Fashion!

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