Tuesday, October 11, 2011

It's A Full Blown Conspiracy Now!

Y'all remember how excited I was when Beyonce revealed her pregnancy at the MTV VMA's earlier this year? Well, some new video footage shows that it could have all been for naught because SHE MIGHT NOT BE PREGNANT AT ALL!!!!

First of all, rude. Just cause y'all are hip hop royalty doesn't mean you can fool the entire country til February. We are smarter than you, Beyonce!

Second of all, I have been thinking to myself lately, "Self, Beyonce's baby bump hasn't grown one bit since August. In fact,in some pictures, it looks SMALLER". Hmmmmmm. Little did I know how right I might be!!

Check out these photos below that my boy Michael K over at Dlisted posted and then the video beneath that.

To add fuel to this somewhat ridiculous theory [that I am fully behind!], let's do a short timeline of photos.

In August, at the VMAs:

Now, according to their recent announcement that she is due in February, this would have put her at around 3 months along. Her bump isn't huge by any means, but in my opinions its fairly sizeable for 3 months [a lot of women arent even showing then. See a reference of what 3 months pregnant looks like here].

Yesterday, pictures surface of Beyonce shopping with Jay-Z and Kanye. Her bump looked like this:
B JAY KANYE 1 682x1024 Hot Shots: Beyonce Shops With The Throne
[aka practically non existant] when it should be looking closer to this.

Now I'm pretty sure that this picture proves that this scandal is very silly....
....but "Is The Bump Fake??" is kind of an amazingly fun game to play so I will soldier on! What do you guys think? Is Beyonce's Bump Bogus???

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