Thursday, October 13, 2011

Nothing Makes Me Happier....

than seeing Ryan Gosling laugh and hearing him speak with a slightly ghetto accent. As some of you may know, I hung out with Ryan Gosling a few weeks ago while in Los Angeles [ok, "hung out" is strong, but we WERE in the same bar and he did graze my arm after grabbing his drinks] and he is just as adorable in real life as he is in The Notebook. Many moons ago, I learned about [and promptly forgot about] the most phenomenal Tumblr that has ever existed, Fuck Yeah Ryan Gosling [sorry for the language, ma!]. There is a new one that was started literally DAYS ago called Feminist Ryan Gosling which also makes me giggle like a school girl. Don't worry blog readers- these will be coming at you ALL. DAY. LONG.



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