Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Might As Well Get In Line Now

Today, Apple introduced the new iPhone. Better get in line now! Many believed that this would be the iPhone 5, but no, no, Apple threw us for a loop and called it the iPhone 4S. Why? Because Steve Jobs retired and that place is falling apart. Ok, that's probably not it, so the real answer is, I don't know.

It certainly looks like it has some cool features, like this:

The Siri function which allows you to use your voice to send messages, set reminders, and search for information. Cool! Now you can email while you are driving [which was the one time before when you were off the hook. Dang it!].

Sooo, you basically have a robot stuck inside your iPhone. Very cool, but also kiiiiiiiiind of creepy.

This feature is also pretty cool:

The iOS5 has a new notification center, iMessage center, and a pretty cool looking To Do list function. I LIVE on To Do lists, so that would be a pretty cool little doodad to have.

But ultimately, this will probably be my favorite feature: the updated camera.
The new camera features 8 megapixels (60% more than on the iPhone 4), new optics, and 1080 HD video recording. Very cool! But can we talk about the zoom? I may just be missing it, but I'm not seeing any info on them enhancing the zoom feature. That is really the only complaint that I have with the current camera. But I digress- so much to be thankful for, why am I complaining?

The new iPhone is will be available on October 14th on not one, not two, but THREE providers, yes three; AT&T, Verizon and Sprint. It's no longer cool to be on AT&T. How sad. Will you get the new iPhone4S? I think it looks super cool, but I may hold out another year for the 5 [or what I think will be the 5. Perhaps they will throw us for another loop and call it the 4SS?]. Y'all tricks best hit me up if you get this new piece and let me know what you think of it!

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