Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Spend or Save: Home Edition, Part 1

For some bizarre reason, I have found myself in Wal-Mart not once, but twice in the past few days. Anyone who knows me knows that I only go to Wal-Mart when it is truly necessary as I happen to despite it [but not Sams Club. Oh no, Sams Club is heaven on earth. That's another post].

On my first trip, I found myself looking at the lamps and surprising liking a number of them and, wonder of wonders, they were affordable! Have you looked at the price of a lamp recently? Everything in the world is getting asininely expensive, which made me think: What are the
things that we should actually bite the bullet and drop good money on, and what are the things that we can save on and be just as happy?

That leads me here, to our Spend or Save series. I'll give you my opinion on items that are worth spending money on and ones that you should try to snag for a bargain.


Spend on: Couches

There is nothing worse than seeing an adorable couch that looks plush and comfortable and discovering when sitting on it that it's actually hard as a rock and over time will sag in the middle. Saggy couches make me sad. While not everyone can afford to shop for couches outside of IKEA and Craigslist [this girl included], a good, solid couch is a really sound investment for your living room.

My favorite sectionals both happen to be from Macy's:

My pick for best leather sofa goes to The Whitaker Sofa from Ethan Allen.

The best part about this sofa is that you get to pick your own fabrics and colors!

You can also never go wrong with a couch from Pottery Barn. The price tag isn't low, but you know you're getting comfort, quality, and classic style that will last a lifetime. My favorite is the Charleston Sofa.

My favorite quality couch that comes in under $1k [which is seemingly hard to do] is the Mattie Sofa from Macy's.

And my honorable mentions for couches, just cause I think they're all so sexy, are as follows:

Bliss Sofa

Check back in later to get more ideas on where you should spend and save in your home!

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