Monday, October 31, 2011


TMZ [among many others] is reporting this morning that Kim Kardashian will be filing for divorce from Kris Humphries after only 72 days of marriage. What the what??? 72 days is barely long enough to get all your stuff in the same house, have your first arguement or finish your thank you notes!

I smell a rat.

It was curious that they got married so quickly, but it seems to be the Kardashian way, so I didn't really question it. They seemed to be in love! And yeah, her family didn't totally adore him but it kind of seemed to me that they just didn't understand his sense of humor. On that note, Kris, I totally get your sense of humor, would totally let those adorable puppies sleep in my bed and would totally say yes to a $20million dollar ring. Jus sayin'.

Reports of a split have been swirling for a few weeks now, but Ryan Seacrest confirmed the news this morning when he tweeted:

Ryan Seacrest
Yes is filing for divorce this morning. I touched base with her, getting a statement in just a few mins

So what do you think? Is it over? Is it time to cry? If so, that sure seems like a waste of a $10million wedding!!!

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