Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Trashy TV: Monday- Friday

I just randomly happened to catch the end of NYC Prep and, I mean, seriously- what is the matter we these kids? I happened upon the show right as two sixteen year olds began sucking face [quite literally sucking face- who knows how to kiss at 16?] on a city street in front of cameras that are filming for a national tv show. A NATIONAL TV SHOW!!!! I wouldn't make out in front of my mom NOW, much less when I was 16. What is the matter with these idiots???

It's one of those things that they are desperately going to regret when they get older, or next year [or right now] and they will be completely humiliated by the things they have done [like acting straight when they are so obviously gay]. I guess the bright side in all of this is that we get to bask in all of their humiliating glory right.now. Amazing.

1 comment:

Kissing Mules said...

I watched that show last night and I was appalled. Unfortunately, I was also intrigued and couldn't change the channel. Damn you, Bravo!!!