Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Hi friends!

I just got back from a faaaaaabulous family vacation to the Amelia Island Plantation in Florida. It was veeery relaxing and I had a smashing time with my mom and brother.

I want to apologize for being incredibly m.i.a on this blog. It seems like things have just been super busy and, to be honest, I've been kind of unmotivated. However, I'm trying to get my motivation back up and will commit to AT LEAST one post a day.

That being said, I have no intention whatsoever of turning this into a "music blog", but sometimes its a lot easier for me to post a song that I've been jamming to than to write a big ole post about it [and i dont want to bore you!]. So while I get back in the swing of things, you may notice a lot more music than normal.

Speaking of music, I totally neglected MUSIC MONDAY yesterday, so how does a MUSIC TUESDAY sound? Just this once?

SPOILER ALERT: It's CMA week here in Nashville, so don't be surprised if you hear some country! ;)

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