Friday, June 26, 2009

Dear Bravo:

I got really excited this week thinking that you would definitely bring the dramz with parts 1 & 2 of The Real Housewives of New Jersey. I was like a giddy little school anxiously awaiting the first day of kindergarden, only to find that there actually isnt Playdough and there isnt time to color and there isnt a playground.

Guys, what happened? Parts 1 AND 2 were total snoozefests! The only exciting parts in either were when Caroline got upset about "being in the mafia" and this horrible, awful thing that Danielle tried to have done to Dina. WHAT WAS THE THING??? I mean, you guys didn't even KNOW about "the thing". You have got to do a better job at researching the neighborhood gossip before doing these reunion shows. The New York reunion was FAR better and more dramatic and their season was mild in comparison to this one.

All I have to say is, there better be a Season 2 of RHNJ. Or I'm gonna come knocking on Bravos door. And I won't be alone.

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