Monday, June 29, 2009


Is Britney going crazy again? Does Daddy Spears need to tighten up the rains a pinch?
Britney was seen out and about with brown hair and white flip flops. Now, we all know that Britney is on one huge world tour right now and people aren't paying money to see her as a brunette, so we can safely assume that she has on a wig. A wig. You know what that means.
Oh, you don't know? Let me remind you.

Do you remember these days? Frappucino, brown boots, pink wig Britney?

Or maybe these days?

Let me spell it out for you. Pink wig= CRAZY Britney. Is Brown the new Pink?? And do you know what goes hand in hand with the wig?


Someone help her. Quick.

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