Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Trashy TV: Monday-Friday

I feel confident that I made my excitement for The Real Housewives of New Jersey Reunion well known yesterday. I knew that I wasn't going to be home to catch it [drats!] but luckily I am house sitting and have access to a DVR so I OF COURSE recorded it. It was like my end of the day desert.

Except, it was kind of dissapointing. Everyone was very cordial. Theresa only said mildly stupid things. Theresa didn't throw any tables. No books were loudly dropped on the coffee table. Jacqueline didn't go into labor. Then again, it was only Part 1 of 2, so I have my fingers crossed for Thursday. Seriously. I was a pinch bored. I hope Part 2 proves to be more dramatic.

Then, after the reunion was the premier of NYC Prep, aka The Real Life Gossip Girl, and I have been just DYING for it to start. A few months ago, I did write ups guessing what each of the characters would be like based on their bios, and I gotta say, I think I was pretty spot on [].

The thing about this show is that it wasn't really that entertaining- it was mostly just sad. 16 year old boys bragging about hooking up with 4 girls in a night? Kids living indepenently of their parents as teenagers? Drinking at 15? Let's be honest, it's all a bit ridiculous. It truly is like a real life version of Gossip Girl, but Gossip Girl is entertaining because it's fiction. This show is just sad. I dunno if I'll continue to watch it or not [odds are in my favor though], but if I do, I certainly hope it gets better.

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