Wednesday, June 10, 2009

An Open Letter

Dear Imeem,

I have used you exclusively on my blog for months now. You always have the music I want to post. Without fail. Always.

Recently, you have started inserting a link into [some] embed codes where only a 30 second clip goes on my blog, and my readers have to click over to your site in order to hear the whole song. This is lame.

While I understand ad revenue and page hits, you used to be about the music and spreading the love. It has become apparant that this is no longer the case. As soon as I find something better, we are through.

No love for you,
Your Friend Lela

Dear Readers,

I am trying desperately with every song posted to make sure you get the entire song and don't have to click over to another site. Unfortuantely, this isn't possible with all of the songs. So, for now, if I am posting a 30 second clip, you'll just have to trust me that it's good enough for you to listen to on another site. I will try to remedy this as soon as possible!

Much love for you!
Your Friend Lela

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