Monday, June 22, 2009

Perez vs. Will.i.Am

Well, I dont know how your weekend was [my was very tame, thanks for asking] but evidently Perez Hilton had quite the excitement in his weekend. He has been very vocal on his blog and Twitter especially about the altercation that happened between he and Will.I.Am this weekend in Toronto. He has a video on his blog which recounts the whole situation here.

Check that out and then read my comments below.

First of all, I'm with Perez- violence is not the answer-ever. We should all act like big boys and girls and use our "words" to get our feelings and points across. That being said, the words that Perez used were not the correct ones. Perez repeatedly calls Will a coward in the video, but that's the pot calling the kettle black if I ever saw it. Perez hides behind his blog to say whatever he wants about anyone and everyone. Granted, that is his right. I don't always agree with the way that he goes about criticizing people, but then again people may not agree with the way I criticize on this blog. It's his right to attack, and to ridicule, and to make fun of celebrities or anyone else in anyway that he wants. But it is the right of all of those people to defend themselves.

Now, hold on, hold on, you haven't heard the whole story.

So, Will confronts Perez in a club and tells him to not write about the Peas on his blog anymore. Perez says "i'll try". We go through a couple more rounds of this and Perez decides that he is not going to let Will intimidate him and that he's going to tell him what he really thinks. So he tells Will that he is gay and calls him the "f" word [which I will not now or ever put on this blog]. This is the part that confuses the crap out of me. Everyone knows that that word is the most offensive in the gay community and it is never cool to use it. Perez is such a proponant of gay rights and gay issues, it completely confounds me as to why he would ever use this vocabulary. You know how when girls do things like, I dunno, sleep with the boss for a raise, and people go "You just set the womens lib movement back 30 years!" ? That's kind of what Perez just did for the gay community. As far as reactions go, he might as well have called Will the "n" word. Now, I don't know whether Will.i.Am is gay, nor do I really care, but Perez knew that he was antagonizing Will at this point and he should've held his tongue. That word does not count as "big boy words".

So Perez's version says that after that he left the club and was promptly punched in the face from behind by Will's manager.

Again, should he have been hit? No. Did he deserve it? .......Maybe. That may sound contradictory, but you can't bring out the big guns and not expect your opponant to bring out the big guns as well. He verbally assualts people on a daily basis- he had to have known that would catch up with him eventually.

Lessons learned? Use your words. Even if you're angry, you can easily get that point across with words. Do NOT use racial or orientation slurs. They are never cool, especially in a situation that is already heated- they will do nothing but escalate things. Don't bully people. And don't hit people.

And as for Will.I.Am, or anyone else that is upset with what Perez writes about you:

1) Don't read it. His blog is optional. I know its hard sometimes, but simply don't read it. He can only affect you if you let him.

2) Prove him wrong. He says he doesn't like your single or album? Make the next one incredible so that he has no choice but to write good things about it. Consider it a motivator instead of a discourager. And most of all: act like adults. This isn't the playground.

Grow up- all of you.

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